
Trends Shaping Organizations Today | Phoenix Marketing
The number seven is a number of completeness or divine perfection. There are 7 days in the week, 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 notes on the musical scale, Rome has 7 hills and Snow White has 7 dwarfs. Not surprising then to observe that there are seven trends which are shaping today’s organizations. (There are probably more, and maybe next month another trend will pop up, but let’s stick, for now, with the seven!)
Organizations and people are using more and more technology and social media. This results in new behaviors and new ways of learning and collaboration.
Let’s look at the crowdsourcing phenomenon, for example. Coined in 2005 by the Wired magazine, `crowdsourcing’ means literally crowd-based outsourcing. “Simply defined, crowdsourcing represents the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call.” Crowdsourcing is based on new technologies and opens up so many possibilities which could not have been imagined before. Think of crowdfunding, crowdtesting, crowdsearching, crowdvoting, …. Crowdsourcing can really be seen as an “online, distributed problem-solving and production model.”
New technologies and social media encourage and support new behaviors such as creating communities, collaboration and being open and transparent. These behaviors (and technologies) are now making their way into our organizations and – not surprisingly – they especially appeal to young people.
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