s-bath-Stainless steel kitchen sinks- Cleaning
s-bath-Stainless steel kitchen sinks- Cleaning
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Stainless steel kitchen sinks - Cleaning

How many times have we not thought about cleaning the sink in our kitchen? To use the cleanser, to use a sponge, alcohol, dishwashing soap; And what about that bleach after all?

It all starts with the type and type of sink. Depending on the type of finish, you will need to use different cleaning methods.

Let's start with the "cleaning" tools. In general, the sails and sponges we use in the kitchen do not stain the stainless steel sink. If the surface of the sink is rough, you may need a slightly different sponge with not-so-wild surfaces, so the sink can be cleaned a little more easily.

Important! It is advisable to rub the sink based on the "water" it carries inside, in order to reduce the chances of altering the original finish in the long run.

TIP: Do a scrubbing / cleaning test on an invisible part of the sink!

The easiest and fastest way to clean is to clean the sink frequently with soap and water to remove dirt. Of course, they can make our work faster, but small (wild) surface sponges injure the stainless steel in the long run. Any cleaner we use in the kitchen sink should be rinsed off immediately after cleaning. Wiping with a cleaning cloth will make our sink shine new.

What to avoid in stainless steel kitchen sinks:

Chlorine Bleach: If you want to use this type of cleaner, dilute it with water and rinse well

Citric acid, hydrochloric acid, bleach detergents, sodium chloride (salt), mayonnaise, silver polish, chlorine cleaners, sulfur and sulfur must be avoided if we want our sink to last over time.

Sewing powders with many promises (!), Sponge wire, sharp or sharp cutting tools or kitchen utensils, can cause immediate damage to our sink, without the possibility of repair.

Caution: The use of carbon steel tools in stainless steel! The contact of a metal chloride with the stainless steel will cause strong galvanization, where in the presence of an electrolyte (eg ambient humidity), the anode of the formed battery (eg iron) will undergo strong oxidation. This will cause the brown-orange color to appear immediately on the sink, on the surface of the stainless steel.

With the use of this guide and a little patience, the stainless steel kitchen sink will last a long time and every time it is cleaned, its surface will be like the first day you placed it! - Kitchen sinks


Bath batteries - Presentation

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Bath batteries are perhaps the most sensitive category among bathroom items. We use them every day, they have perhaps the greatest use of the rest of the space, they participate in the decoration of the bathroom, and yet it is a category very sensitive to personal hygiene and the environment.

Let's see why a bathroom battery needs special care when choosing it. Bath batteries come in contact with water and then with our body. If the water has been damaged in any way, then in the long run this can affect our health.

The inner part of a bathroom faucet is made of brass, in which the mechanism is placed and then painted a familiar silver color that we know (chrome plating). There are two points to consider when manufacturing the production interface: the quality of the brass and the quality of the chrome.

Brass is produced by the union of some specific metals. One of them is zinc, for which many studies have been done on my suitability for use in our daily lives. Although zinc levels are high during production in bath batteries, the result is a reduction in the cost of the final product, as zinc is cheaper than other metals. offering a competitive edge to the end consumer. On the other hand, it may be worth a second thought about the suitability of the material in terms of its contact with the nero in our daily lives.

The second factor is the quality of the chrome plating. Have you noticed that in some batteries, after some use, the battery starts to peel? This is due to the paint, which due to poor quality, does not withstand daily use. Of course, the same can happen with cleaning. Even the best bathroom faucet withstands harsh cleaners, which in the long run cause oxidation on the surface, the worst for humans