
RootsAnalysis has done a detailed study on RNAi Therapeutics Market (2nd Edition), 2019 - 2030: Focus onsiRNA, miRNA, shRNA and DNA, covering key aspects of the industry’s evolutionand identifying potential future growth opportunities.
· A detailed review of the overall landscape ofcompanies developing RNAi therapeutics, including information on phase of development(marketed, clinical, and preclinical / discovery stage) of pipeline candidates,target disease indication(s), key therapeutic areas (oncological disorders,infectious diseases, genetic disorders, ophthalmic diseases, respiratorydisorders, hepatic disorders, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disorders,dermatological disorders, and others), type of RNAi molecule (siRNA, miRNA, shRNA, sshRNA and DNA), targetgenes, type of delivery system used, route of administration and special drugdesignations (if any).
· A competitiveness analysis of key playersengaged in this domain, evaluating their respective product portfolios, type ofRNAi molecule, target therapeutic areas, company size and year ofestablishment.
· An analysis of completed, ongoing and plannedclinical studies for different types of RNAi molecules. The trials wereanalyzed on the basis of various relevant parameters, such as registrationyear, current status, phase of development, type of RNAi molecule, regionaldistribution of clinical trials and enrolled patient population.
· An in-depth analysis of the various patentsthat have been filed / granted related to RNAi therapeutics, since 2014. Theanalysis also highlights the key parameters associated with the patents,including information on patent type (granted patents, patent applications andothers), publication year, regional applicability, CPC symbols, emerging focusareas, leading industry / non-industry players (in terms of the number ofpatents filed / granted), and patent valuation.
· An analysis of the various partnershipspertaining to RNAi therapeutics, which have been established till August 2019,based on various parameters, such as the type of partnership, year ofpartnership, target disease indications, therapeutic area, type of RNAimolecule, financial details (wherever applicable), focus area of collaborationand most active players.
· An analysis of the investments made atvarious stages of development in companies engaged in this domain, between2014-2019, including seed financing, venture capital financing, IPOs, secondaryofferings, debt financing, grants and other offerings.
· An analysis of the key promotional strategiesthat have been adopted by developers of marketed oligonucleotide therapeutics,namely Defitelio®, Exondys® and Onpattro®.
· A review of emerging technology platforms anddelivery systems that are being used for targeted therapeutic delivery,featuring detailed profiles of technologies.
· Detailed profiles of drug candidates that arein the advanced stages of development (phase II/III and above), includinginformation on their current development status, mechanism of action, route ofadministration, affiliated delivery technology, dosage, recent clinical trialresults along with information on their respective developers.
· An elaborate discussion on the use of miRNAas a potential biomarker, along with a list of diagnostic kits that are eitheravailable in the market, or likely to be approved in the foreseen future.
TheUSD 9.2 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the RNAi therapeuticsmarket has been analyzed across the following segments:
Keytherapeutic areas
· Oncological disorders
· Infectious diseases
· Genetic disorders
· Ophthalmic disorders
· Hepatic disorders
· Respiratory disorders
Typeof RNAi molecule
· siRNA
· miRNA
· shRNA
· sshRNA
Routeof administration
· Subcutaneous
· Intravenous
· Intradermal
· Intratumoral
· Intravitreal
· Oral
· Intramuscular
Keygeographical regions
· North America
· Europe
· Asia Pacific and the Rest of the World
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