
Althoughthere are many Best InternationalSchool in Bangalore, Redbridge International Academy is now becoming a favouriteinternational school for many parents. The reviews of Redbridge InternationalAcademy will tell you that Redbridge International Academy is one of the mostsought after metropolitan city, Bangalore. Redbridge International School isthe right choice for the students and parents who seeking internationaleducation in Bangalore with world-class facilities.
Redbridge InternationalAcademy is authorized to offer both ICSE (Indian Certificate of SecondaryEducation) and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education,Cambridge UK) Curriculum. Redbridge is also accredited as an IB School and isauthorised to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP).Redbridge International SchooBest InternationalSchool in Bangalorel hascomplete infrastructure to offer children both active learning throughclassroom curricula and outdoor activities. The aim of Redbridge InternationalSchool, Bangalore is to foster creativity and holistic development throughpersonalized attention. That is why, at Redbridge International School, we havea complete range of infrastructure such as open spaces, spacious classrooms,and ample room for children to learn and play.
Redbridge International SchoolBest International School in Bangalore has both a day and boarding school. It is locatedin Electronic city, Bangalore. Redbridge International School is spread over asprawling 13 acre environmentally-friendly campus. Redbridge InternationalSchool has world class infrastructure to facilitate wholistic learning ofchildren such as smart boards to laboratories and activity rooms. RedbridgeInternational School exclusively reserve the number of students to 20 in aparticular classroom so that every student gets equal attention by theirrespective teachers.
Each classroom at RedbridgeInternational Academy is designed to inspire and excite students to learn withinteractive engagements. Classrooms are spacious, well-illuminated by largewindows, well-ventilated and well-lit. The academic fraternity at RedbridgeInternational School has a cross-spectrum of students and expert faculty fromacross India and abroad. The teachers at the Redbridge International teachstudents not just academic work but also teach them to respect and conserve theenvironment through various projects. Concepts like rainwater harvesting,organic farming, a solar power plant and a sewage treatment plant are a part ofeducation. Apart from curricula, Redbridge International School have bothoutdoor and indoor facilities. The sports facilities at Redbridge InternationalSchool include amenities to provide overall physical well-being tostudents.
The values of RedbridgeInternational Academy are providing children with support beyond academics;intended to build the children on moral, intellectual and overall educationalsupport. Children are trained to develop critical thinking. That’s whyRedbridge International Academy Bangalore considers social, emotional, andcharacter development (SECD) as an essential ingredient for academic excellenceand success. The core values of Redbridge International Academy are to promotepromoting self-esteem through recognition of talent and by involving parents asresponsible stakeholders in the school policy.
To nurture your children’sfuture, contact Redbridge School. Admissions at the Redbridge InternationalAcademy are open throughout the year. The admissions are open for all thestudents covering from Pre-Nursery to Grade 12. Please fill the enquiry formand for further details find here.
Leading ICSE schools in Bangalore – RedbridgeInternational Academy
Redbridge International Academy is oneof the leading ICSE schools in Bangalore knownfor its highest standards of teaching and world-class infrastructurefacilities. It is also the top international school in ElectronicCity, Bangalore that emphasizes on co-curricular activitiesalong with regular studies.