Custom LASIK Surgery Market Overview
Custom LASIK Surgery Market Overview
LASIK Surgery Market Overview

The global Custom LASIK surgery market is expected to grow as the prevalence of refractive diseases such as hyperopia, myopia, and astigmatism rises, as well as the number of examination promotion development projects. In the United States, Carl Zeiss is focusing on their innovative flapless SMILE stage for the treatment of spherical myopia, and is likely to begin preliminaries for significant astigmatism soon.

Because of advancements in devices used for custom-fitted activities and the possibility of innovation to lessen risks, the acceptance rate of adjusted LASIK surgery is expected to increase. For example, the AMO iDesign stage filters the patient's eye over 25 times and creates a one-of-a-kind outline. Furthermore, 98 percent of patients who had Custom LASIK surgery experienced no post-operative disorientation.

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