
Numbers of Men in the U.S are Affected by Erectile Dysfunction Wherein Half are Unaware
In the United States, there 3-5 men are affected bythe common sexual problem of which half of them are unaware that it can cause aserious health issue in the future. Men around 59% who are suffering fromerectile dysfunction have raised a question on impotence, which is also knownas erectile dysfunction (ED). According to the new survey releases a “NationalImpotence Day” on February 14 after checking a leading at-home health screeningand insights.
The most surprising is that age is not a big factor asone can think, but 56% of men group of 18-36 years old are being affected ascompared to 63% of men who are above group of age 55 are getting affected witherectile dysfunction. Whereas, more of the old age group are more likely toreport the sexual problem that is affecting them regularly, which may or maynot lead to an underlying health concern. Also, the research says that thetopic is often considered a taboo for many Americans who are underestimatedthat how many men are strike by the common sexual problem. This question hasbelieved that the sexual problem is affected just in 1 in 3 men, but the actualtruth is almost twice of that.
There are only 40% of men who are comfortable speakingup with their loved ones about the health issue they are going truth, whichresults in falling a great impact on their relationships. From which less than18% of men who are suffering felt able to talk to their friend about sexual problem.But the erectile dysfunction is putting a great collision in men’s lifestylethat is also affecting the mental health of the patient which results infeeling frustrated and 41% are embarrassed, and a quarter of them says that ita failure.
One of the experts from LetsGetChecked says that“there are no doubts that ED is still a taboo in the United States with mostpeople are avoiding talking about the erectile dysfunction.”