
The global mushroom market is expected to reach 20.84 milliontons by 2026 while exhibiting a CAGR of 6.41% during the foreseeable future.This information is published by Fortune Business Insights™ in its report"Mushroom Market, 2019 - 2026 ". The report furtherobserves that the market stood at 12.74 million tons in 2018. The conclusionsby various research support the fact that consumption of the product help inboosting immunity, enhancement of overall health, gaining nutrition, weightmanagement, and others. They have also been associated with reducing the riskof certain diseases, especially cancer of the prostate gland.
COVID-19 Impact
Anti-Inflammatory Property to Boost Product Demand
The pandemic resulted in various logistical issues. Theavailability of transport was erratic due to lockdown restrictions. TheScandinavian Foundation for Immunology conducted research in 2021 on theprophylactic or therapeutic effect against COVID-19 and its pneumonicsuperinfection and complicating inflammation. The conclusion was that certainfungus with their anti-inflammatory might be suitable for treatment postCOVID-19 infection. Search research is expected to boost the market even in apandemic situation.
Market Segmentation
Based on type, the market is segmented into button, shiitake,oyster, and others. According to Polish Economic Institute, Poland is thelargest producer of the button type and accounts for more than 50% of EuropeanUnion's exports. Based on form, the market is segregated into fresh, frozen,dried, and canned. The market region is across North America, Europe, AsiaPacific, South America, and the Middle East & Africa.
What Does the Report Contain?
The report has an elaborate analysis of the market dynamics andcompetitive landscape. The details of various mergers and acquisitionsaffecting the market are enlisted for the client's requirement. The positiveand negative aspects of the trade are mentioned in the report to facilitatewell-informed decision-making by the client. The regulatory scenarios ofvarious prominent economies are also mentioned along with future industrytrends.
Driving Factor
Increasing Adoption of Vegan Diet to Propel Market Growth
This high demand can be attributed to the shift of consumptionpattern from meat and dairy products to veganism. These fungi are consumed inhigh volume by vegans as a replacement for high protein meat. The growinginvestment in the research and development is expected to favor the globalmushroom market growth. For instance, Guizhou Bright Lingang Jotoku Bio-tech,automated their harvesting process in 2021 and raised their efficiency toproduce 230 metric tons per 15 hectares. Owing to its anti-inflammatoryproperty, coupled with immunity-boosting quality, the demand for the product isexpected to surge during the forecast period.
Regional Insights
Growing Preference for Exotic Food Products in Asia Pacificto Aid Growth
Asia Pacific is expected to hold a substantial mushroom marketshare in the foreseeable future. The consumption of exotic food products incountries like India, China, and Japan is expected to bode well for the demandfor the product.
Europe is expected to showcase considerable growth due to theincreasing number of health-conscious consumers. The demand for the product inthis region is primarily for two reasons. The medicinal uses and nutritionalgains of this product are several which has resulted in the tremendous growthof this fungus.
Competitive Landscape
Market Players Improve Distribution Channels to Expand TheirBusiness Horizons
The producers of this market consist of both large-scale andsmall-scale producers. The products available in the Hypermarket/supermarketsare mostly produced by the large-scale producer while the local grocery storesbuy their stock from local farmers. Certain regions across the globe are facingissues with distribution channels which are market efficiency that can beexplored by the new entrants. Moreover, investment in the uses of the fungus isexpected to rapidly gain profits.
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