Morris Packaging Sustainability - Promoting an Active Culture of Sustainability
Morris Packaging Sustainability - Promoting an Active Culture of Sustainability
Morris Packaging will assist you in developing the best sustainable packaging solution to meet your needs. Our team has decades of knowledge and technical experience...

August, 2021, Bloomington, IL - Morris Packaging today announced plans for the Morris Packaging Sustainability Center, the first of its kind ever.

The Sustainability Center supports the efforts of environmental conservation across industries amidst our aim to make daily life easier. Morris Packaging is committed to developing and maintaining healthy living environments with full integration of sustainable practices.

“There’s a reason the rear-view mirror is a lot smaller than the windshield”. - Jim Bob Morris, President/CEO

Morris Packaging True to Its Values and Vision

The Sustainability Center is an extension of the dedication of Morris Packaging to its values of excellent relationships, customer commitment, product and service leadership, and high operational standards. These values have allowed the company to thrive and work collaboratively with clients, meet their packaging needs. Working together is the key to creating solutions that will safeguard the environment.

Holistic Approach as Part of Morris Packaging’s Mission

Morris Packaging has received various awards for developing innovative products that meet the needs of clients and end-users. The company utilizes the power of strong collaborative relationships, bound by trust, to deliver innovative, sustainable, and eco-friendly packaging solutions. The ability to deliver on time, with superior quality and out-of-the-box solutions are just some of the company’s competitive edges.

Morris Packaging is a role model for companies willing to shift to better ways of providing products and services that are also good for the planet. The Sustainability Center is a testament to its allegiance to extending service to industries and communities to make a positive change.

To learn more about packaging options go to their website