
Theagricultural sector is making room to absorb new and innovative technologies.The magnitude of change across the agricultural sector has been phenomenal, andthe industry has swiftly transitioned from manual techniques to automatedtechnologies. The deployment of automation technologies in agriculture hasunlocked host of opportunities for economic growth. Several countries rely onnet positive outputs across the agricultural sector for socio-economicdevelopment. Hence, national governments willingly invest in cutting-edgetechnologies that can enhance agricultural productivity.
Irrigationsystems are the life and blood of farmlands, and this is a key considerationfor vendors within the micro irrigation systems market. However, agriculturistsare faced with the challenge of optimizing water-usage without compromising onthe health of crops. Hence, the use of micro irrigation systems is expected togather momentum in the years to follow. Automation technologies have been asource of erudition for agriculturists who are now vouching for smarter andmore efficient models. Micro irrigation systems have replaced flow irrigationsystems across several prosperous countries.
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Thefavourable opportunity cost for using micro irrigation systems has generatedrenewed demand within the global market. Furthermore, agriculturists in regionswith robust economies have become more liberal toward the use of moderntechnologies.
Areport by Transparency Market Research (TMR) predicts that the global micro irrigation systems market would expand at a starry CAGR of15.3% over the period between 2017 and 2023. The global value of the microirrigation systems market is expected to reach an unprecedented value by theend of the forecast period. Integration of automated systems with theagricultural sector has played a vital role propelling market demand.
Useof Micro Irrigation in Vineyards and Orchards
Thegrowing popularity of grapes, dry fruits, and nuts has led to expansive areasof land being dedicated to vineyards and orchards. This factor has played anintegral role in the growth of the global micro irrigation systems market.Furthermore, activities pertaining to maintenance of ecological parks andplantation avenues across streets has also spearheaded the growth of the globalmarket.
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RegulationsRelated to Water Harvesting
Scarcityof water has brought several industries under the radar of focus. Governmentshave stipulated several regulations with regard to the use of water acrossindustries. Water harvesting is closely related to the use of micro irrigationsystems, and this factor is evident across the agricultural sector. Hence,growing concerns related to water conservation and harvesting shall create alucrative growth path for the global micro irrigation systems market.
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AsiaPacific Opens Doors to Innovative Technologies
Onthe basis of regions, the global micro irrigation systems market can besegmented into Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, Europe, NorthAmerica, and Asia Pacific. The agricultural sector in Asia Pacific has attractedsubstantial investments due to the dependency of the Indian economy onagricultural activities. This factor has played a defining part in the growthof the micro irrigation systems market in Asia Pacific.
Vendorsto Capitalise on Existing Micro Irrigation Projects
Severalmicro irrigation projects including Bagalkot’s Ramthal Marol Drip Irrigationproject have lined the global landscape. Leading vendors are expected tocapitalise on the humongous investments made toward such projects. Moreover,acquisition of Netafim Ltd, the Israelian micro irrigation system company, bythe Mexico-based Mexichem has emerged as a key market development. Thisstrategy shall continue to inspire other acquisitions across the global microirrigation market.
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