
RootsAnalysis has done a detailed study on Drug Repurposing Service ProvidersMarket, 2020-2030, covering key aspects of the industry’s evolution andidentifying potential future growth opportunities.
RootsAnalysis is pleased to announce the publication of its recent study, titled, “Drug Repurposing Service ProvidersMarket, 2020-2030.”
KeyMarket Insights
· More than 60 industry players across theworld are presently engaged in providing services for the repurposing oftherapeutics
· The dataset features a variety of CRO, bigdata / analytics and technology-based service providers, offering repurposingservices by using different type of repurposing approaches and drug molecules
· Over 1,700 discontinued clinical studies of therapeutics can be considered aspotential candidates for repurposing
· In the pursuit of obtaining an edge withinthis emerging and highly competitive market landscape, service providers areactively exploring the therapeutic potential of the existing approved drugs byproviding the necessary support to drug developers in identifying / predictingprospective drug candidates for repurposing.
· Over time, recent initiatives have beenundertaken by big pharma players across the world for the discovery anddevelopment of repurposed drugs
· Several organizations have extended financialsupport to aid research efforts in this domain; the current focus is oninvestigation of novel immune checkpoint pathways / targets for coronavirusdisease
· The growing interest in this field is alsoreflected by the 10+ partnerships have been signed in the last three years,involving both international and indigenous stakeholders
· The future market, based on the revenuegeneration potential of repurposed drugs, is anticipated to be distributed acrossdifferent disease areas and key geographical regions
· In the long term, the opportunity is likelyto be segmented across type of repurposing approaches, purpose of repurposingand type of drug molecule
Tableof Contents
1.1. Scopeof the Report
1.2. ResearchMethodology
1.3. ChapterOutlines
3.1. ChapterOverview
3.2. Overviewof Drug Repurposing
3.2.1 Historyof Drug Repurposing
3.2.2 Strategiesfor Drug Repurposing
3.3. Repurposingversus the Traditional Drug Discovery
3.4. Benefitsand Challenges Associated with Drug Repurposing
3.5. DrugRepurposing Service Providers
4.1. ChapterOverview
4.2. DrugRepurposing Service Provider: Overall Market Landscape of Contract ResearchOrganizations (CROs)
4.2.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
4.2.2. Analysis by Company Size
4.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
4.2.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location ofHeadquarters
4.2.5. Analysis by Type of Drug Molecule
4.2.6. Analysis by Status of Drug
4.2.7. Analysis by Repurposing Approach
4.2.8. Analysis by Services Offered
4.3. DrugRepurposing Service Provider: Overall Market Landscape of Big Data / AnalyticsService Providers
4.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
4.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
4.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
4.3.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location ofHeadquarters
4.3.5. Analysis by Technology Specifications
4.3.6. Analysis by Type of Drug Molecule
4.3.7. Analysis by Status of Drug
4.3.8. Analysis by Repurposing Approach
4.3.9. Analysis by Services Offered
4.4. DrugRepurposing Service Provider: Overall Market Landscape of Technology Providers
4.4.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
4.4.2. Analysis by Company Size
4.4.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
4.4.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location ofHeadquarters
4.4.5. Analysis by Technology Specifications
4.4.6. Analysis by Type of Drug Molecule
4.4.7. Analysis by Status of Drug
4.4.8. Analysis by Repurposing Approach
4.2.9. Analysisby Services Offered
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