
The materialsused to fabricate pharmaceutical packaging components are extremely importantto preserving the stability, efficacy and safety of drug formulations. In fact,according to the USFDA, in the last two years, there have been over 2,000 drugand device recalls owing to packaging-related concerns. Elastomeric closures,with various types of coatings (such as FluoroTec® and Teflon®), have emergedas a promising option for developing closures for pharmaceutical containers.
TheUSD 9.3 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within elastomericclosures market has been analyzed across the following segments:
· A detailed assessment of the current marketlandscape of companies manufacturing elastomeric container closures, featuringinformation on the type of closure (cap, needle shield, plunger, seal, stopper,and tip cap), type of respective primary container(s) (vial, syringe, andcartridge), elastomeric material(s) used for fabricating the aforementionedclosures (such as bromobutyl, chlorobutyl, and others), drug type(s) that arecompatible with elastomeric closures, sterilization status of closures(pre-sterilized and unsterilized), affiliated sterilization technique (if theclosure(s) is available in the pre-sterilized format), scale of production(small scale, and large scale), type of customization (if available),affiliated dimensions, along with compliance certifications of the product.
· A comprehensive analysis on the packagingtrends of over 230 drug products (including both biologics and small moleculedrugs) that were approved over the last five years (beginning 2014), featuringan assessment of the packaging requirements of various container-closuresystems based on parameters, such as year of approval of drug, type ofmolecule, dosage form, route of administration, holding temperature, type ofpackaging material(s) used for manufacturing primary container and affiliatedclosure, and leading drug developers (in terms of number of drugs packagedusing elastomeric closures).
· An analysis of various developments / recenttrends related to elastomeric packaging materials, offering insights on [A]partnerships and collaborations established within the industry, and [B] recentglobal conferences related to pharmaceutical packaging industry.
· Elaborate profiles of key players in thisdomain (shortlisted on the basis of size of product portfolio), featuring abrief overview of the company (including information on company headquarters,year of establishment, number of employees, and key members of the executiveteam), financial information (if available), detailed description ofproprietary elastomeric closures, recent developments, and an informed futureoutlook.
· A case study on the role of robotics inpharmaceutical manufacturing and fill / finish operations, highlighting theadvantages of using automation / automated technologies in such processes. Itincludes profiles of industry players offering such equipment for the asepticprocessing of pharmaceutical products.
· An elaborate discussion on emerging trends(such as focus on personalized therapies, shift towards more flexiblepackaging, upgrading packaging components to enhance drug product safety, andgrowing adoption of smart packaging solutions) that are likely to have animpact on the future adoption of elastomeric container-closure components inthe pharmaceutical packaging industry. It also features a Harvey ball analysis,highlighting the relative effect of each trend on the overall pharmaceuticalpackaging industry.
· An in-depth analysis to estimate the currentand future demand for elastomeric closures across key primary packagingcontainers, including vials, syringes and cartridges, in different regions forthe period 2019-2030. Input parameters considered for this analysis includecurrent supply of different primary packaging components and their respectiveclosures and the estimated the proportion of elastomeric closures that arelikely to be supplied, which is indicative of the demand.
Thereport also features the likely distribution of the current and forecastedopportunity across important market segments, mentioned below:
Typeof packaging container
· Vials
· Syringes
· Cartridges
Typeof packaging closure
· Seal
· Stopper
· Cap
· Plunger
· Barrel
· Needle Shield
· Pre-sterilized
· Unsterilized
Keygeographical regions
· North America
· Europe
· Asia Pacific
· Rest of the World
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