
Dr.Kamini Rao’s Master Class.
Padma Shri Dr. Kamini Rao is aninventor in the area of Assisted Reproductive Medicine. Her selfless role in infertility treatments willcontinue to be a guide for hundreds of years to come. Along with her unforgettablehistory, Dr. Kamini Rao is ideal for all young generation to come up or achievesomething in life and to create their career successfully. Dr Kamini Rao speaks useful information to others andimparts their life on the way to get every second’s worth out of each day with valuedservice. Dr. Kamini discovered her motivational shows that are broadcasted inall the social media platforms. Dr. KaminiRao’s master class, which is already a huge success among the listeners, acrossvarious countries. With the saying, ‘Whybe Ordinary, when you can be Extraordinary’, she explains to bring out thesimplest in each soul and to achieve in life.
Know about Dr.B N Gangadhar in Dr. Kamini Rao’s Master Class.
Dr Kamini Rao's Master class is notany ordinary series of dialogues or just a normal talk show; it is a bundle ofknowledge. Listen to what the ‘living legends’ that made it extraordinary, haveto convey about their life experiences. Understand how they made it big andwhat fushed them to do so.
Dr. B. N.Gangadhar assumed the charge as the Director of the NationalInstitute of Mental Health & Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS). Currently, he holdsthe position of President for Medical Assessment and Rating Board at the NMC.Medical Assessment and Rating Board is one of the autonomous boards of NMCdealing with the technique for assessing and rating the medical institutionsfor their compliance with the standards lay down by the Under-Graduate MedicalEducation Board or the Post-Graduate Medical Education Board, in accordancewith the regulations made under the NMC Act. Dr. B. N. Gangadhar brings over 30years of extensive experience in the field of mental health, from both clinicaland academic aspects. In NIMHANS, he has served the Institute in variouscapacities such as Medical Superintendent; Head, Department of Psychiatry; Deanand Program Director/Head, Advanced Centre for Yoga.
Do know more about Dr. B. N. Gangadhar achievements in Dr. Kamini Rao’s, MasterClass.