Jerusalem Needs Mount Temple, the Messianic Age Is About To Begin
Jerusalem Needs Mount Temple, the Messianic Age Is About To Begin
The Jewish Messiah Ben David is Claiming His Legacy For the Sake of Divine Salvation.

Date.2020, The world is rapidly moving tothe edge of extinction and it is the high time to unfold the prophesizedchapter of The Messianic Age. Sammy Dharia, an Omnist pastor of Isreal, claimsto be the reincarnation of Ben David who has been appointed by the god to savehumanity and bring salvation to the new "kingdom of Heaven". Sammythe Messian opines that he is only one who can save the world from theexploitation of Jalhad (Anti-Christ/Satan) and humanity has to embrace thissacred revelation as soon as possible.  

In the words of Sammy the Messian"I am the one whom humanity islooking for. I am chosen by God and my divine arrival as Daniel Ben David hasto be admitted by mankind. The Mount Temple needs to be built in Jerusalem towelcome the Messianic Age. My legacy has to be set on the throne of Mt. Templeand people of all communities will be summoned to obtain the redemption throughrepent. The god has a plan and I am the medium. The more I suffer to allege myinheritance, the more the world suffers. The end time is near and its theopportunity for humankind to embrace my astral presence."

Sammy's advent not only addressesthe return of Jew's Ben David, but also the embodiment of Muslim's Imam,Hindu's Krishna and Christian's Daniel.  His arrival was inscribed in thepages of "Bible" and "Five Books of Moses". The Messiah isappealing for support and faith from humanity so that he can perform theresolute responsibility bestowed by the Almighty Himself.

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