
As an IB School in Bangalore, Redbridge International Academy offers a two-year IB Diploma programmein Grade 11 and 12. Redbridge academy is among few IBDP schools in Bangalore accredited to the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva.
Asper Redbridge Academy Bangalore, the main benefit of InternationalBaccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is that it assists students developcertain skills, which will support them throughout their life. Let us explorethe benefits of this 2-year pre university programme available in IB schools inBangalore in this Redbridge International Academy Bangalore. Review of IBDPDiploma Programme Benefit #1: Positive Impact Over University Admissions As perstudy performed by UK’s HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency), IB Diplomagraduates stand a better chance of getting enrolment in any of the top 20 UK’sHEIs (Higher Education Institutions). According to Redbridge InternationalAcademy review and research performed by CPSTP or Chicago Post-Secondary TransitionProject, it is more likely that graduates from IBDP will get enrolled inuniversities, remain enrolled, as well as perform better in their studies.Improved Research Skills There are two components in IBDP curriculum taught inbest IB schools in Bangalore, Theory of Knowledge and Extended Essay. Thesecomponents help students develop better organizational as well as researchskills. According to Redbridge International school Bangalore, the ExtendedEssay helps students increase their comprehension of how to prepare researchprojects while they are pursuing undergraduate courses. In addition, RedbridgeInternational school reviews show that the Extended Essays also help IBDPstudents excel in their undergraduate studies after they pass out from best IBschools in Bangalore.