
HP Fax Error 388
HP fax error 388 message appears on your computer screen is caused due to breakdown in your operating system which means that there is interruption to run a regular procedure by system. Some of us who are facing this error might find it a little difficult to repair the error 388 without the help of a technician. The error can be caused due to various reasons and the solution depends on them. To find the solution, first you need to find the root cause of the problem depending on that you need to perform the troubleshooting steps to resolve the error.
Reasons that cause HP fax error 388
· Breakdown in the operating system
· Virus or malware attack
· Improper system shutdown
· Un-installation of software program or stopped working setup.
As now you know the causes for this error, here are three basic easy troubleshooting steps which can be performed by you to resolve this
You need to perform a Fax test to do this you can follow the below mentioned steps
o On the printer control panel tap or select fax
o Swipe up and choose setup
o You see an option of tool you need to select it.
o Now select the option to test fax.
Upon selecting the above option you will see that the printer will show the Status and once the test is completed it will start printing a document. Once the printer finishes printing the documents also called fax test report you need to examine the report.
Try building connection by choosing a different time.
§ Setup the fax transmission at a different time making sure that the telephone line has improved.
§ Deactivate the v.34 on the receiving device and try the transmission to make the use of the V.17 setting.
Once you are completed the above steps you need to check if the printer is stable or not. Try sending a fax now if the issue has been resolved you will see that it goes correct without any inconvenience.
Last you need to ensure that the fax is connected with the master phone outlet and it is not using any extension or cord. Hopefully after rechecking the connection the error will get resolved.