
how to register a company
How to Register a Company inIndia
After having a concrete idea forstarting a company the most common question that arise is “How to Register aCompany in India .”Company registration in India is now a very transparent andeasy process, as it is completely online. While registering a company in Indiait is important to choose your business structure carefully as each business structurehas different levels of compliances to be met with. For example, PrivateLimited Company, Limited Liability Partnership, One Person Company. The mostpreferred structure of registering a company is Private Limited Company.
How to register Private Limitedcompany in India?
Follow the simple steps toregister your Private Limited Company:-
Step 1: Obtain DSC (DigitalSignature Certificate)
Step 2: Apply for DIN (DirectorIdentification Number)
Step 3: Reserve your unique Name
Step 4: Form SPICe (INC-32)
Step 5: e-MoA (INC-33) and e-AoA(INC-34)
Step 6: PAN and TAN Application
Step 1: Obtain DSC(DigitalSignature Certificate)
Digital signatures are requiredto file the forms for company formation. The registration process is online andthe forms require a digital signature. DSC is mandatory for all subscribers andwitnesses in the memorandum and articles of association. You can get your DSConline in just two days from here.
Step 2: Apply for DIN (DirectorIdentification Number)
DIN is a Director IdentificationNumber. It has to be obtained by anyone who wants to be a director in an Indiancompany. One DIN is suffice to be a director in any number of companies.
Step 3: Reserve your unique Name.
Reserve unique via RUN (ReserveUnique Name) form: In an attempt to ease procedures for new as well as existingcompanies, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has introduced RUN webservice for the incorporation of a company. DSC and DIN shall not be requiredfor filling of RUN form for reservation of name. With effect from March 23,2018, Ministry has decided to permit two proposed Names and one re-submissionwhile reserving Unique Names for the Companies.
Step 4: Form SPICe (INC-32)
Ministry of Company Affairs hasintroduced Form SPICe (INC-32). It is a simplified proforma for incorporating acompany electronically. It serves the following purposes with the benefit of asingle application:
Application for allotment of DIN(Director Identification Number)
Reservation of company name
Incorporation of a new company
Application for PAN and TAN
The digital signature of aprofessional is required to file Form INC-32. The professional must certifythat all the information given in the form is correct. The professional can beChartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Cost Accountant or advocate.
Also Read: All you need to knowabout form AGILE
Step 5: e-MoA (INC-33) and e-AoA(INC-34)
e-MoA refers to an electronicMemorandum of Association and eAoA is electronic Articles of Association. Theseforms have been introduced to simplify the process of company registration inIndia. Memorandum represents the charter of the company while articles ofassociation contain the internal rules and regulations of the company.Earliermemorandum of association and articles of association were required to be filedphysically. But now these forms are filed online on MCA portal as a linked formwith SPICe (INC-32). Both these forms must be digitally signed by subscribersto the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Step 6: PAN and TAN Application
Through this single form SPICe,you can also apply for company’s PAN and TAN.
1. What is the meaning of aprivate limited company?
A Private limited company, orLTD, is a type of privately held small business entity, in which ownerliability is limited to their shares, the firm is limited to having 50 or fewershareholders, and shares are prohibited from being publicly traded. A companybecomes an independent legal structure when it incorporates.
2. What are the characteristicsof a private limited company?
Characteristics of PrivateLimited Company. Members– To start a company, a minimum number of 2 members arerequired and a maximum number of 200 members as per the provisions of theCompanies Act, 2013. Limited Liability– The liability of each member orshareholders is limited.
3. What documents are required toregister a company in India?
Photograph of all the Directors
PAN Card of all the Directors
ID Proof of all the Directors(Driving License/Passport/Voter ID)
Electricity Bill or any otherutility bill for the address proof of the Registered Office
4. How much does it cost toregister a private limited company in India?
Cost: One-time cost ofregistration at Ebizfiling is Rs. 6999/- for authorised capital up to Rs. 1lakh, Inclusive of:
2 Digital Signature Certificates
2 Director Identification Numbers
1 Name Approval Application underRUN
Stamp duty on INR 1 LakhAuthorized Capital
Company Incorporation using SPICe
Get started with PVT LTD Companyin India
5. Do I need to register my newbusiness?
For Sole proprietors there is noformal registration, but they can get it registered through SSI/MSMERegistration or GST Registration. However, if you’re starting a Private LimitedCompany or Limited liability partnership (LLP), you are legally required toregister with Registrar of Companies.
Get started with LLP Company inIndia
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