How To Display Your Featured Articles in a WordPress Blog
How To Display Your Featured Articles in a WordPress Blog
Most of the current search engines occur after fresh, unique and authoritative articles. And where do we get most of this article?

 Yes, on the blog site. Many blog sites today compete not only for larger ranking but also become a leading site in search engine marketing. WordPress is one site that has been proven to be authoritative in publishing articles.

Here are some techniques that can certainly help you display your superior articles on the WordPress blog.

Contination Featured Slideshow.

This plug-in might be the best WordPress theme plug-in in terms of displaying feature articles. This can actually show as many as five articles in the appearance of a very interesting slide show. It features a small title and description for each post of features, Java script effects, images for each post of different features, the possibility of navigation (when pressing the "title" image appears) and strong back-end administration for posting and slide-show styles.

The content slider displayed

This plug-in is more or less the same as the plug-in mentioned above. But additional features are that it has a very good JavaScript slider or slideshow for WordPress design. In fact, it can be used anywhere on the website or blog site. Other features of this plug-in include superior posts with quotes, Java / CSS script effects when sliding to other posts, arrows to navigate by posts, administrative settings for categories and post items and good images next to the existing text selected through a special field. Get to know about buy saas business via reading online.

Plug-in Featured Articles for WordPress (Moo Tools)

These plug-ins are designed to provide WordPress design attractive appearance using slideshows and navigation between excellent articles. These features include a number of excellent articles to display, the title of the additional main post part, thumb look, limit number of characters for descriptions and display sequences (random, new and old). Using this tool, you can have a strong back-end admin where you can control the order in which the article will appear and the plug-in will always call the first image of the leading posts and the number of excellent articles to be displayed.

J-Post Slider

This plug-in is designed to make your articles and photos look elegant and attractive in the J-Qurey box. Additional features of these plug-ins include a strong back-end where you can really change the opacity, slider settings, color, spinning time, post quotes, number of excellent articles, postal orders (the latest, random, oldest), pictures for Animation boxes, the selection of superior categories, turn time and speed. Visit website and get to know about managed wordpress hosting.