
Time Warner Cable has provided the roadrunner email services, which has been a major force in the internet’s infancy. If you want to access your Roadrunner email account, then it is very important for you to first set up your account. For those users who are searching for how do I access my roadrunner email, let us tell you that you are in the right place? In this article, you will learn to access your Roadrunner email account.
How to Set Up the Roadrunner Email Account in the Computer?
Open the settings of your device and click on the option of accounts.
In accounts, there is an option to add an account, which you need to click.
When you click on the add account button, a list of emails will appear in front of you in which there is Firefox, email, Google, and all other accounts that are present in your device.
Among this list, click on the email option. Then you will be asked some basic settings to configure in which first of all you need to enter your email address. Then click on next and enter the password appropriately because they are case sensitive and if you enter any wrong digit or alphabet then you will get a problem in accessing your account.
Click on the Next button. And fill the IMAP account in the type of account option. Fill 587 in the SMTP option.
Then configure the incoming server settings and outgoing server settings by adding proper details which you will find on our website.
Once the incoming and outgoing settings are configured, you need to configure some general roadrunner settings. In these settings, you need to choose one automatically or manually.
Among this option, choose automatically. After this, some more roadrunner email setup need to be configured by you such as the name of the account that you want to display as the sender and various others. Thus, complete all the settings and click on the finish setup.
By following these steps, you will be able to set up your account. If you already have an account, then it is very easy for you to access it. Read further information for knowing the steps to access the account.
How Do I Access My Roadrunner Email Account?
First of all, you need to visit your device in which you need to open your settings.
In the settings, you need to click on the option of accounts in which there is an option to add an account, which you need to select.
After clicking on the option of add an account, you will find a list of options. There you will find Firefox, email, Google, and all other accounts that are present in your device.
You need to select the email option on this list.
After this, you will get an option of sign in and log in. Among these options, you need to click on log in.
After this, you will get two fields among which one is a username in which you need to enter your email account and the other one is a password in which you need to enter your password for the account appropriately.
After this, you need to verify the Recaptcha which is verified when you will click on “I am not a robot” option.
Once the ReCaptcha is verified, you will get an option of login.
Click on the login button. Before clicking on it, let us tell you one thing that is if you want to always remember your username, then click on that option also and if you do not want to remember then directly click on the login button.
After clicking on the login button, you will be redirected to your account.
By following these steps you will be able to access your Roadrunner email account.
How Do I Access My Roadrunner Email from Another Computer?
First of all, connect your computer with an internet connection. You need to keep this thing in your mind that your internet connection must be stable and have high speed.
After this, you need to visit the official website of the roadrunner.
When you visit, you will find two options there among which one is signed in and the other is logged in. If you have a roadrunner account, then click on the login button and if you do not have an account then click on the sign-in button.
After clicking on the login button, a screen will appear in front of you in which you will get two fields among which one is the username in which you need to enter your email account and the other one is the password in which you need to enter your password for the account appropriately.
Then you need to verify the ReCaptcha and need to click on the login button.
If it will ask you any OTP or any security question, then you need to answer it appropriately.
After the successful completion of the verification, you will be redirected to your account.
After following these steps, you will be able to access your roadrunner account from another computer.
Roadrunner Email Settings - RR email imap Settings
Getting in touch with the Roadrunner Email service is the need of current time as it offers the standard mode of communication. In comparison to other outdated emailing interfaces, this emailing interface contains advanced Among the regimen of different emailing services, roadrunner emailing is making their great presence as it is operated with the incorporation of the internet protocol. Due to the configuration of some advanced features, its registered users have achieved an online transaction facility along with ease of composing emails to different users. That’s why rr email (roadrunner email) is considered the best tool to manage business work. For getting the most loveable features of roadrunner email service, it is nice to make the free registration with rr email web interface. For taking the full benefits and accessing its longevity, it becomes essential to check out its compatibility and configuration.
Guidelines to Setup Roadrunner Email Account
Use the given flowchart to alter email settings and also create an email account through Roadrunner
- Open Roadrunner app and click ‘My accounts’
- Choose ‘Add Account’ option
- Select the ‘Email’ icon from the ‘Set-up accounts’ menu
- Next, type your complete Roadrunner email address that is followed by ‘@—’ the domain name.
- Note: Each character is in lower case.
- Then, mention the Roadrunner password in the provided space.
- After that, skip the ‘Automatically configure account’ option.
- Tap ‘Next’
- Your phone will be linked to the email server. Once, email account set up process goes correctly, ‘Success!’ will flash on the screen.
- Bravo! Your Roadrunner email setup is complete. In case, you want to cross-check the setup, try it by sending and receiving the emails.
Steps for Roadrunner Email Settings with POP3
A lot of people find it difficult to setup a Roadrunner email with a POP3 setting. Therefore, we have penned down the easy formulated way to Roadrunner email login:
- Navigate to the home page and click ‘Settings’
- Now, click on Add Accounts
- Then, fill the required field with correct credentials (name, email, password, and description)
- Hint: In the description type Roadrunner
- Once mention, it will get verified
- Next, you need to type server information. Choose incoming server
- In incoming server, select Roadrunner email setting POP3
- Next, fill the asked questions:
- Hostname:
- Username: full Roadrunner email address
- Password: Roadrunner password
- Then, click ‘Submit’
- Now, you need to mention outgoing server setting details
- Hostname:
- Username: full Roadrunner email address
- Password: Roadrunner password
- Then, select under the main server
- Next, a new page of SSL and server port will appear. Fill this:
- SSL: None
- Server port:25
- Click ‘Done’ and leave the current page
- You will land to Advanced Settings Page
- Type the given details:
- SSL: None
- Server port:
- Lastly, click ‘Done’
- Clicking on this, you will be redirected to the previous page.
Steps to Configure Roadrunner Email on Android Phone for POP3 Server
Take our Android device, open email application
Tap ‘Next’
In Account type option mention POP3 Settings
Next, type RR Credentials in email login
Lastly, configure for RR mail for smooth email exchange
How to Setup Roadrunner Email on iPhone?
Use the following steps to change Roadrunner mail settings on iPhone:
Choose ‘Settings’ on the iPhone or iPad.
Next, choose mail, contacts, and calendars
If you are already a Roadrunner user, choose your existing RR email address. But, if you are new, create a new one, click on ‘Add account’
Tap ‘Other’
Click ‘Add mail account’ and fill the required information (name, address, password, etc.)
Hit on ‘Next’
Next, select ‘Pop’ and fill (incoming and outgoing mail)server form in the following way:
Incoming mails server host:
Username: enter your username with the extension ‘’
Password: enter your password
Server port: 110 (if required)
Secure server: off
Outgoing mail server host:
Username: enter your username with the extension ‘’
Password: enter your password
Enter port 587 (if required) and set a secure server to off.
Click ‘Save’
Technical Issues That May Occur
File attachment Issues
The problem in Sign in
Issues related to sending and receiving emails
What are the ways to reset the Roadrunner password?
How to manage contacts in the Roadrunner email account?
Furthermore, if you face any kind of TWC RR email settings issue and need instant email support, connect with the technical professionals.