
Hire a Hacker Pro : The Talent Pool is Drying Up!
Hire a Hacker Pro : The Talent Pool is Getting Smaller
Between the politics and the coddling, talentless people are becoming the new normal and those who can actually call shots are branching off onto their own.
The workforce is hardly a force anymore. There was a time when street smarts could get you someplace if you were academically challenged. Nowadays, street smart is no longer a concept. People are on their phones and stuck in the metaspace wondering how they should identify that week.
Guess what? We love it. The dumber people become, the easier it is to exploit them. This is the Black Hat mentality. We depend on the idiocies of people, and with the least amount of resistance possible to be able to quickly execute our missions.
Sounds pretty messed up right? It is. We don’t create these people. They are crafted carefully through the new world democracy or socialism and dependency on the government.
In order for governments to function, they need the people to depend on them for as much as possible. Working class pays the bill, the wealthy create the jobs for the middle class, and everyone else sucks the bottle.
Meanwhile, are carefully stepping over screaming liberals to create a special kind of world for them to live in. Wish you were a Black Hat? Join us.
#tonycapo #Blackhat #hireahacker #hackerinc #hackers #cyberhacker