
Growth Hacking with the 12 Key Strategies for Success | RAP Success System
Today we’re going to discuss growth hacks. What the heck isgrowth hacking? Growth hacking is a way to hyper-grow your business. There are12 key strategies to accomplish that. The first strategy we’ll cover ismarketing. At the end of the day, if you don’t have a rock-solid marketing gameplan and your marketing game plan doesn’t match the psychological profile ofthe client that you want to attract — good luck scaling your business over thelong haul.
So we’ll begin by trying to understand the psychology of thehome seller and what it takes to market to them the right way. Here’s thedeal, if you don’t do this, then your marketing plan will most likely fail,your ROI will go down and you will get crushed financially. If you don’t havesome of the key things we’re covering here, then failure is inevitable. So,make sure you tune in and listen closely.
One common mistake to avoid when you’re putting yourmarketing plan together is making the primary motivation about you. That’smistake number one. Here’s how that works: we talk about how long we’ve been inbusiness, how good we are, or how many transactions we’ve made. Now thatinformation does have a time and place. It should be a part of your marketinggame plan. But if it’s at the forefront of your game plan you’ve lost the game,here’s why. Sellers have access to so much information and opportunity thatthey will pass you by if you’re not doing something to catch their attention.
Homesellers start making decisions based on your personalityand not from listening for what value you can offer them. I will submit to youthat if you don’t follow what I’m sharing with you, if you don’t implement it,over time, it could cost you millions of dollars in transactions, marketingdollars and profit.
Before you build your marketing plan you need to identifythe psychological profile of the person that you’re want to attract. So let’sfirst focus on Expireds and FSBOs. When I first started my brokerage, althoughwe were scaling for homebuyers, Expireds actually became a huge part of ourgrowth. We got so good at managing Expireds that I could get on the phone,attract four out of seven and literally be out on an appointment the very nextweek, next day, or even the same day. In some cases, we would beginlisting the same day that we first made contact with them.
So how do you do that? How do you get good enough? How doesyour marketing prospecting message get that good? Well, it starts with a focuson the psychology of the homeseller.
The first step is to ask ourselves what are some of the keyproblems Expireds are having? Most likely, communication with their lastagent was probably a big one. We know this because, statistically, the numberone problem that homeowners with an expired listing report that they had poorcommunication with their agent. They further report that the agent just stuck asign in the yard then disappeared. So how can your marketing plans speak tothat issue? Homesellersare thinking about it. Before they consider engaging the next agent, if theydecide to go that route again, that agent will need to prove that they haveexcellent communication.
Listen to the full training video to hear the othersteps that help agents better understand and account for the psychology of thehomeseller. Better yet, just getthe full Master Class at to access the entireUltimate Listing Machine blueprint. The ULM Master Class covers the 12 KeyStrategies for success.