Growing at an annualized rate of 12%, the HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs contract manufacturing market
Growing at an annualized rate of 12%, the HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs contract manufacturing market
Growing at an annualized rate of 12%, the HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs contract manufacturing market

Growing at an annualized rate of 12%, the HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs contract manufacturing market

Manufacturing highly potent drugproducts is technically and financially demanding; as a result, drugmanufacturers are becoming increasingly reliant on contract service providers


Roots Analysis is pleased toannounce the publication of its recent study, titled, “HPAPIand Cytotoxic Drugs Manufacturing (3rd Edition)2020-2030.


The report features an extensive study of thecurrent market landscape and future opportunities associated with the contractmanufacturing of HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs. The study also features a detailedanalysis of the key drivers and trends related to this evolving domain. Inaddition to other elements, the study includes:

§ A detailed assessmentof the current market landscape of companies offering contract services formanufacturing HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs.

§ A competitivenessanalysis of HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs contract manufacturers, featuringinsightful representations.

§ Detailed profiles of leadingcontract manufacturers of HPAPI and cytotoxic drugs (shortlisted on thebasis of proprietary criterion).

§ An analysis of thepartnerships that have been established in this domain, in the recent past.

§ An analysis of thevarious expansion initiatives undertaken by the players in this domain.

§ An estimate of theoverall, installed capacity for manufacturing HPAPIs and cytotoxic drugs basedon data reported by industry stakeholders in the public domain.

§ A qualitativeanalysis to decide whether to manufacture the potent products in-house orengage the services of a CMO.

§ A discussion onaffiliated trends, key drivers and challenges which are likely to impact theindustry’s evolution.

§ A case study on theantibody drug conjugates (ADCs) manufacturing market, highlighting a list ofcontract service providers and in-house manufacturers in this domain.

§ A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of thecurrent and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listedbelow)

§ Type of Product


§ Highly PotentFinished Dosage Forms


§ Company Size

§ Small-sized

§ Mid-sized

§ Large / Very Large


§ Scale of Operation

§ Preclinical /Clinical

§  Commercial


§ Type ofPharmacological Molecule

§ Small Molecules

§ Biologics


§ Type of Highly PotentFinished Dosage Form

§ Injectables

§ Oral Solids

§ Creams

§  Others

§ Key geographicalregions

§ North America

§ Europe

§ Asia Pacific

§ Rest of the World


The report includes detailed transcripts ofdiscussions held with the following senior level representatives of stakeholdercompanies:

§ Antonella Mancuso (VicePresident and Chief Operating Officer, BSP Pharmaceuticals) and Maria ElenaGuadagno (Business Director, BSP Pharmaceuticals)

§ Klaus Hellerbrand (ManagingDirector, ProJect Pharmaceutics)

§ Kevin Rosenthal (BusinessHead, Formulations and Finished Products, Alphora Research)

§ Jennifer L Mitcham (Director,Business Development, Catalent Pharma Solutions) and Stacy McDonald (GroupProduct Manager, Catalent Pharma Solutions)

§ Roberto Margarita (BusinessDevelopment Director, CordenPharma)

§ Allison Vavala (SeniorManager, Business Development, Helsinn)

§ Mark Wright (SiteHead, Piramal Healthcare)

§ Javier E. AznárezAraiz (Business Development Technician, Idifarma)


Keycompanies covered in the report

§ AbbVie ContractManufacturing


§ Catalent

§ Evonik

§ Formosa Laboratories

§ Intas

§ Lonza

§ MabPlex

§ Pfizer CentreOne


Formore information please click on the following link:  


Other RecentOfferings

1.      Antibody ContractManufacturing Market, 2020 – 2030

2.     Cell TherapyManufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019 – 2030

3.      Biopharma ContractManufacturing Market (3rd Edition), 2019 – 2030


About Roots Analysis

Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growingmarket research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in thebio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights aredriven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years ofsignificant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growingbusiness needs, get in touch at


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Roots Analysis Private Limited

Gaurav Chaudhary

+1 (415) 800 3415