
Glove Box Market
Glove Box, GloveBox Market, Glove Box Industry, Glove Box Market Share, Glove Box Market Size, GloveBox Market Share, Glove Box Market Analysis, Glove Box Market Segmentation, GloveBox Market Trends, Glove Box Market Growth
Market Highlights
Glove boxesprovide a physical barrier to safeguard the sensitive materials fromenvironmental contamination or to protect the operator from hazardousmaterials. Furthermore, they are used to create a leak-tight inert environmentin order to work with contamination-sensitive materials and limit accidentalspillage of materials. This helps prevent contamination of biological materialswhen the experiment containers are opened for observations, sampling, andfixations. The global glove box market is expected to grow at 4.14% CAGRduring the forecast period.
On the basisof product type, the market is segmented as stainless steel, plastic, aluminum,and others. Stainless steel segment is estimated to dominate the market duringthe forecast period. The stainless-steel glove box has a filtration system andleak tight barrier to protect the operator from potentially hazardous materialexposure. Such types of glove boxes offer an air tight, clean, and controlledenvironment for a wide range of applications, such as medical, food, andchemical. Furthermore, they provide complete safety for transferring anaerobicfield samples due to their low humidity characteristic and increased chemicalresistance. Stringent government safety regulations and standards laid down bythe government regarding safe glove boxes, increases the demand for stainlesssteel glove box. An increase in demand for safe and secure glove boxes andresearch activities, are further expected to support the demand for stainlesssteel glove box during the forecast period.
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Key Players
The keyplayers of the global glove box market are Glove Box Technology Limited (UK),Vacuum Atmospheres Company (US), MBraun (Germany), Inert Corporation (US), LCTechnology Solutions, Inc (US), Banthrax Corporation (US), Coy LaboratoryProducts, Inc. (US), Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, LLC (US), GermfreeLaboratories, Inc. (US), Jacomex (France), Gs Glovebox Systemtechnik GmbH(Germany), Marine & Industrial Plastics Ltd (UK), Miwa Mfg. Co., Ltd(Japan), Changsha Deco Equipment Co., Ltd (China), and Bangalore VacuumTechnology (India).
Europe heldthe largest Market Share in the Glove Box Market
Region wise,Europe held the largest market share of the global glove box market in 2017 andis expected to retain the size until the end of 2023. The major share of thisgrowth can be attributed to the pharmaceutical industry research anddevelopment in the region. According to the European Federation ofPharmaceutical Industries and Associations, the pharmaceutical industryinvested nearly USD 35,839.4 million (Euro 34,000 million) in R&D in 2016.Moreover, increasing investments by the governments of countries in R&D,across industries is expected to act as a key driver of the glove box market.Thus, the glove box market in Europe is estimated to register a CAGR of 3.14%,during the forecast period. It is estimated that Asia-Pacific would be thefastest growing market during the forecast period. The growth of Asia-Pacific,as a region is driven by the presence of emerging economies, such as India andChina. India one of the fastest growing economies in the world, which hasinfluenced manufacturers to invest significantly to cater to the high demandfor products, across sectors. According to the Indian Drug ResearchAssociation, the Indian Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD) is steadilyincreasing, which in turn, is expected to raise the demand for glove boxes andother systems, over the forecast period.
Scope of theReport
This reportprovides an in-depth analysis of the global glove box market, tracking onemarket segments across five geographic regions. The report studies key players,providing a five-year annual trend analysis that highlights market size, andshare for Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America, and Middle East& Africa. The report also provides a forecast, focusing on the marketopportunities for the next five years for each region. The scope of the study segmentsthe Glove box market by vehicle type and by region.
On the basisof end-use, the market is segmented as pharmaceutical & biotechnology,electronic/ lithium batteries, defense industry, others. Pharmaceutical &biotechnology segment is estimated to dominate the market during the forecastperiod. This is attributed to the number of applications in the pharmaceuticalindustry, including its use in specific atmospheric, and/or asepticrequirements and for a variety of applications, and compounding, filling, sterilitytesting, cytotoxic, liquid filling, bulk powder processing, processing,packaging, research and radiological isotope processing functions. Glove boxesin the pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are used in sensitiveresearch studies to secure the object or substance from hostile exteriorenvironment and provide controlled environment for working with samples. Thus,an increase in investments in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, isexpected to raise the demand for glove boxes during the forecast period.
By Product Type
By End Use
Pharmaceutical& Biotechnology
Electronic/Lithium Batteries
Middle Eastand Africa
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