Global Yeast Extract and Beta Glucan Market is projected to clock 7.6% CAGR from 2015 to 2021
Global Yeast Extract and Beta Glucan Market is projected to clock 7.6% CAGR from 2015 to 2021
Transparency Market Research in its new research report bearing the title ‘Yeast Extract and Beta Glucan Market’ clearly explains the market drivers, opportunities, restrains, size and growth. According to this report, global yeast extract and beta glucan market will rise at robust 7.6% CAGR during the forecast period.

Theglobal yeast extractand beta glucan market is expected to witness expandconsiderably due to the increased usage of cellulosic bio-fuels and need forprobiotic functional food. In addition to that, rapid industrialization anddemand for processed food products have grown exponentially. As a result ofsuch growth promoting factors, global yeast extract and beta glucan market islikely to experience soaring demand from various end-users.

BiotecPharmacon ASA, Angel Yeast Co. Ltd, Royal DSM N.V, Specialty Biotech Co.,Ltd.,ABF Ingredients, and Lallemand Inc. are some of the leading companies thatare functional in the global yeast extract and beta glucan market.

TransparencyMarket Research in its new research report bearing the title ‘Yeast Extract andBeta Glucan Market’ clearly explains the market drivers, opportunities,restrains, size and growth. According to this report, global yeast extract andbeta glucan market will rise at robust 7.6% CAGR during the forecast period.

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Extensive Usage in Food ProcessingIndustry Accelerates Growth

Broad scopeof applications across numerous industries is ascribed to for the robust growthof the global yeast extract and beta glucan market. For example, depending onthe method of extraction, yeast extract can be used in autolyzed or hydrolyzedform with each of the forms having different applications. In the personal careindustry, hydrolyzed yeast extract is used for the making of anti-static adhair conditioning products. It is finds its usage as flavoring agents in manyfood preparations. On the other hand, autolyzed yeast extract is used as ancheaper substitute of monosodium glutamate (MSG).

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The globalyeast extract and beta glucan market is prophesized to make promising stridesdriven by their increasing application in the food production sector across theglobe. The large-scale application of yeast extract as natural ingredients inthe industry of processed food is a remarkable element that is steering theglobal yeast extract and beta glucan market towards robust growth.

Rapidindustrialization and fast-paced urbanization have resulted in hectic lifestylethat demands consumption of processed food. The potential usage of beta glucanas functional ingredients in the food industry is acting as a catalyst for therapid growth of the global yeast extract and beta glucan market.

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A sizeablechunk of the revenue in the global yeast extract and beta glucan market arisesfrom the extensive requirement for yeasts in the production of functional foodand dairy products, particularly across Europe. The growing usage of yeastextract and beta glucan in the many other sectors such as beverages, animalfeed, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals is continuously improving the market.

The globalyeast extract and beta glucan market is expected to reap benefits from thegrowing need for yeast extracts and beta glucan in the making of cellulosicbiofuels. Besides, their usage in the probiotic functional food segment is alsoan attractive opportunity for market players.

Yeastextracts might not be used as flavor enhancers but they find substantialapplication as ingredients in the food and beverage industry. Ready-to-eatmeals, functional foods and drinks, baked and frozen products, sauces, soups,and snacks all make use of yeast extracts at a significant rate.

On theother hand, one of the major factors that is restraining the growth of theglobal yeast extract and beta glucan market is the scarcity of a compulsoryyeast extract raw material, i.e. molasses. Nonetheless, companies are keepingtheir hopes alive with the available opportunities in the sector of processedfood for novel solutions and extensive usage of yeast extracts and itsderivatives.

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