
Transformer Monitoring Systems: Overview
TMS isdefined as a group of components built together in order to sense and monitorvarious parameters of a pole-mounted transformer or ground transformer that arevital to its functionality. This device is attached to the lines of an existingtransformer with minimal effort; it remains non-intrusive to lines and itscomponents. TMS has the capability of monitoring the transformer’s voltage,current, temperature, and the phase angle. Voltage sensor consists of a plate,an op-amp, two capacitors, and four resistors. TMS is a real time mountingdevice that monitors a single transformer. This device paves way for a smartergrid system technology to lower electrical downtime of a power generation unit.TMS accurately and effectively reads/records valuable information about polemounted and grounded transformers. This information is shared over the wirelessconnections to a central hub computer located at the transfer stations ofsub-stations. It detects failure in power lines.
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Transformer Monitoring Systems: Dynamics and Trends
Theproblems in methods for powering the device and monitoring the transformer’sparameters have been overcome through the usage of induction coils. The voltagepassage through the induction coils have the tendency to escalate from the permissiblevalues due to fluctuating current. Voltage regulators are thus used to controlthe voltage and keep it under the permissible limits. Diodes incorporated withAP1186 standard regulators are used with a battery backup in case of powerfailure in order to achieve the desired results in voltage regulations. TMS isa safe and easy approach to help combat any loss in power over the lines andany power shortages through its preventive monitoring measures. TMS is keptnear a high power line that emits strong electrical and magnetic fields. Powerto the TMS device is critical, as voltage, current, and temperature have to bemaintained under the permissible limits. Excessive voltage, current, andtemperature can destroy the internal components. Sensors of the TMS readvoltage and current across the line and the temperature inside the transformer.The sensors then transmit the information to logical components of the system.Wireless technology helps in passage of information to other TMS devices or tothe central hub facility. Computer programing is the final last aspect of a TMSdevice. It helps view information about transformers received by wirelessunits. The program also provides sight (screen flashing animations) and hearingalerts (siren blasting through speakers).
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Transformer Monitoring Systems:Segmentation
The TMSmarket can be segmented based on type of transformer (pole mounted transformerand ground transformer), method of powering TMS system (solar, battery powered,induction coil, and others), application (distribution transformers, powertransformers, and others) and region (North America, Latin America, Europe,Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa).
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Transformer Monitoring Systems: Region-wise Outlook
AsiaPacific is estimated to be the leading market for TMS. Presence of largenumber of developing economies, high capacity addition plans, and enactment ofsupportive policies (tax incentives) are likely to drive the TMS market.
Transformer Monitoring Systems: Key Players
Keyplayers operating in the TMS market include Camlin Power, ICSA (India) Ltd.,and CETT Co., Ltd.
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