
Global Smart Concrete Market: Overview
Smartconcrete technology is a new alternative method for monitoring the health ofreinforced concrete structures. It was developed Dr. Deborah D.L. Chung fromState University of New York at Buffalo, U.S. The unique perceived benefit ofsmart concrete is that it is fortified by carbon fiber, which comprises as muchas 0.2% to 0.5% of the volume. It can detect stress or strain in concretestructures before it gets too late. The smart concrete technology has undergoneextensive laboratory testing, but is yet to hit the market.
It worksby adding a small quantity of short carbon fiber to concrete with aconventional concrete mixer to modify the electrical resistance of concrete inresponse to strain or stress. As a result, the contact between the fiber and cementmatrix is impacted when the concrete is deformed or stressed, thereby affectingthe volume electrical resistivity of the concrete. The strain is then uncoveredby measuring the degree of electrical resistance. Smart concrete is capable ofsensing miniscule structural flaws before they become substantial and hencefind application in checking the internal condition of structures, particularlyafter an earthquake.
In thereport, Transparency Market Research provides a detailed analysis of thepotential of the globalsmart concrete market. The report analyzes the different potentialmarket drivers and restraints by gathering inputs from various people havingin-depth knowledge of the technology.
Global Smart Concrete Market: Trends and Opportunities
One factorslated to contribute to the global smart concrete market is the widespread useof concrete as a composite material for various types of structures and itsinability to withstand tension, resulting in cracks easily. This necessitatesmonitoring them for cracks so as to prevent them from getting worse by timelyrepair. This, in turn, helps to ensure safety and durability of variousstructures. Other methods to evaluate cracks are by attaching or embeddingsensors into structures. Sensors, however, cost more to install. Smart concreteis relatively cheaper. This is another factor that would likely drive itsmarket.
Thesupercharged growth in the smart buildings market in the upcoming years wouldalso help in the quick uptake of smart concrete. This is because in addition totheir basic functionality of detecting minor cracks, smart concrete also helpsto arrest the progress of cracks in conventional concrete and reinforce them tomake them stronger. Further, it takes a lot of force for smart concrete tobend, and it soaks more energy before fracture. Smart concrete can also haveapplication in building highways for they would help in weighting vehiclesplying on them. A highway constructed using smart concrete would be able todetect the position, weight, and speed of vehicles.
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Global Smart Concrete Market: Regional Outlook
The reportstudies the potential market for smart concrete by segmenting it based upongeography and then attempts to gauge the opportunity in each region. Advancedeconomies in North America and Europe, which have been at the forefront ofadopting latest technologies, would likely emerge as prominent markets forsmart concrete. Asia Pacific, powered by densely populated, emerging economiessuch as China and India where construction activities are being conductedfull-throttle, also spells solid potential.
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Companies Mentioned in Report
To presentan in-depth assessment of the potential competition in the smart concretemarket, the report attempts to gauge the strategies that would be adopted byplayers wanting to foray into the market. Leading companies operating in theglobal concrete and cement market would likely lap up the opportunity presentedby the new technology to further enhance their product offerings.
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