
Psychedelicsubstances have been demonstrated to interact with a variety ofneurotransmitter pathways, including those involving serotonin, acetylcholine,norepinephrine, and dopamine. Currently, several stakeholders in thepharmaceutical industry are actively engaged in the efforts to develop leadsbased on natural and synthetic derivatives of psychedelic substances. Further,experts believe that psychedelics, at appropriate doses, can be used to addresssome of the serious psychological implications associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
RootsAnalysis has announced the addition of “Global Psychedelic Therapeutics Market,2020-2030”report to its list of offerings.
Theover USD 6.5 billion (by 2030) financial opportunity within the PsychedelicTherapeutics market has been analyzed across the following segments:
TargetDisease Indication
· Anxiety and Depression
· Trauma
· Pain Disorder
· Sleep related Disorder
Originof Psychedelic Substance
· Natural
· Synthetic
Typeof Psychedelic Substance
· Gamma-hydroxybutyrate
· Ketamine
· Psilocybin
Routeof Administration
· Oral
· Intranasal
· Sublingual
· North America
· Europe
· Asia-Pacific
TheGlobal Psychedelic Therapeutics Market, 2020-2030 report features the followingcompanies, which we identified to be key players in this domain:
· Celon Pharma
· iX Biopharma
· MAPS Public Benefit
· MindMed
· Janssen Pharmaceuticals
· Jazz Pharmaceutical
Tableof Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. Market Landscape:Psychedelic Therapeutics
5. Company Profiles
6. Clinical Trial Analysis
7. Clinical Trial SiteAnalysis
9. Key Opinion Leader (KOL)Analysis
8. Academic Grants Analysis
10. Partnerships andCollaborations
11. Mergers and Acquisitions
12. Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
13. Concluding Remarks
14. Executive Insights
15. Appendix 1: TabulatedData
16. Appendix 2: List ofCompanies and Organizations
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