
Propyl Acetate Market: Overview
Propylacetate, also known as propyl ethanoate, is an ester. It is clear, colorlessliquid commonly used in fragrances and as a flavor additive. Normal propylacetate (also known as n-propyl acetate or 1-propyl acetate) is an organiccompound with the molecular formula C?H??O?. It is formed by the esterificationof acetic acid and 1-propanol (known as condensation reaction), often usingFischer–Speier esterification process. In this reaction, sulfuric acid acts asa catalyst and water is produced as a byproduct. Propyl acetate is found inapples. It is a flavoring agent. It belongs to the family of carboxylic acidesters. These are carboxylic acid derivatives in which a carbon atom from thecarbonyl group is attached to an alkyl or oaryl moiety through an oxygen atom(forming an ester group). Propyl acetate is used primarily as a solvent forliquid, rotogravure printing inks and flexographic printing inks. Its otherapplications include coatings, wood lacquers, aerosol sprays, nail careproducts, cosmetics, and fragrances. The solvency and thinnability of propylacetate is comparable to ethyl acetate. It dissolves several natural and syntheticresins (for example, cellulose nitrate, acrylates, alkyl resins, plasticizers,waxes, oils, and fats) and is thus an extremely suitable solvent for woodlacquers and industrial finishes.
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Propyl Acetate Market: Dynamics and Trends
Propylacetate is produced by direct esterification of the corresponding alcohol withacetic acid in the presence of sulfuric acid, p-toluenesulfonic acid,methanesulfonic acid, or a strong cationic resin used as a catalyst. 1-propanolcan also undergo ester interchange with methyl acetate or ethyl acetate in thepresence of a strong cationic exchange resin and produce n-propyl acetate.Propyl acetate is one of the organic solvents, collected in factories all overJapan and analyzed by gas chromatography. In liquid and vapor forms, propylacetate is flammable. Propyl acetate vapors are explosive. They are heavierthan air. They can spread across to long distances and accumulate in low-lyingareas. These vapors are stable at recommended temperatures and pressures.Exposure to elevated temperatures can cause propyl acetate to decompose. Propylacetate is incompatible with alkali metal hydroxides (such as sodiumhydroxide), nitric acid, and strong oxidizers. Hence, propyl acetate should notbe brought in contact with these compounds. Propyl acetate has mediumevaporation rate and it is a non-HAP (hazardous air pollutant) solvent. Itpromotes flow and leveling in a variety of formulations. The compound is highlyflammable with flash point of 14°C and flammability rating of 3. It is highlymiscible with all common organic solvents (such as alcohols, ketones, glycols,esters), but has only slight miscibility with water.
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Propyl Acetate Market: Segmentation
The propylacetate market can be segmented by grade (mil spec, reagent & technicalgrade, agricultural & pharmaceutical grade, and optical grade), byapplication (food additives & ingredients, solvents, paints & coatings,and others), and by region (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific,and Middle East & Africa).
Propyl Acetate Market: Region-wise Outlook
Currently,North America and Europe lead the global propyl acetate market. Asia Pacificand MEA are estimated to be the leading markets for propyl acetate duringthe forecast period. Government targets and policy support in the two regionsare factors likely to drive the propyl acetate market in APAC and MEA.
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Propyl Acetate Market: Key Players
Keyplayers operating in the global propyl acetate market include Eastman ChemicalCompany, DOW Chemical Co. Ltd., and KH Chemicals Ltd.
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