
Pasta Market SeesConsiderable Growth in its Growing Popularity Worldwide
Pasta is a type of popular Italianfood that is mostly made from unleavened durum wheat dough and eggs or waterthat is stamped or extruded into many different shapes and usually cooked inboiling water.
Pasta is considered a perfect basefor a satisfying, nutritious, and healthy meal. Pasta is ideal companion for soother food items such as fish, lean meats and poultry, rich tomato sauce, beansand vegetables, and cheese. The globalpasta market is likely to be driven by its growing popularity acrossthe globe. Pasta, though an Italian staple food, is now an extremely popularpreparation found in different parts of the world.
Health BenefitsAssociated with Pasts Consumption Fuels Market Growth
Sometime, in place of wheat flour,legumes such as lentils or beans are used to give a different texture andtaste. Even a gluten-free alternative is also available. Availability of somany varieties of pasta is estimated to come up as another factor inducing thegrowth of the global pasta market. Pasta comes with the followingbenefits
· Sustained Energy – Pasta is rich source of complex carbohydrates, whichreleases energy at sustained level, slowly and gradually. It is important forfuelling muscles and brain.
· Low Sodium and Cholesterol Free – Pasta being low in cholesterol andsodium makes it ideal choice for one who is watching cholesterol level.
· Folic Acid – Folic acid fortified pasta is essential for women fallingin the child bearing age. A serving of dry pasta gives around 100 micrograms offolic acid, which is around 25% of the daily-recommended intake.
· Balanced Diet - Pasta is considered a part of a well-balanced diet.
The rising prominence of wellness andhealthy pasta is gaining traction, which is likely to work in favor of theglobal pasta market. This particular type of pasta comprises gluten-free,reduced carbohydrate, and high fiber variations of the product.
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Global PastaMarket: Overview
Originating from Italy, pasta is nowconsidered a global cuisine. Typically made from unleavened dough of durumwheat flour blended with eggs or water, it is available in the market invarious shapes. To entice consumers, small and large manufacturers are nowexperimenting with different ingredients ranging from chickpea flour and riceflour to tomato, spinach, carrot, or beet juices and different herbs and spicesfor enhanced flavor and color.
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The global market for pasta can beclassified into spaghetti, macaroni, and noodles. It can also be bifurcatedinto fresh and dried pasta. While the former is prepared from a simple dough ofeggs and flour, the latter is made from finely ground semolina flour and water,sans egg mostly. Fresh pasta has a comparatively shorter shelf life than driedpasta and hence it is more expensive. Dried pasta generates accounts for adominant share vis-à-vis sales in the global market for pasta. The overallglobal pasta market is expected to grow moderately in the upcoming years.
Global PastaMarket: Trends and Opportunities
By dint of being an easy dish thatcan be prepared without much effort, pastas have become popular worldwide.This, coupled with their longer shelf life, has driven the growth of thismarket so far. Other factors providing a tailwind to the market are the highnutritional quotient of pastas and solid distribution channels such assupermarkets/ hypermarkets and departmental stores. To further improve margins,astute players are manufacturing pasta not just with added flavors but alsowith added value such as more fiber, less carbohydrate, gluten-free, andfortified. Some of the big ticket companies have also gone on to announce theuse of only natural additives in their products. This recent trend tomanufacture healthier varieties of pasta is expected to boost growthsubstantially in the coming years.
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However, branded pasta companies –like many other staples – are finding it tough to safeguard their market sharefrom private labels, especially in consolidated markets. Private labels steal amarch with more or less decent quality goods that are priced lower.
Global PastaMarket: Regional Outlook
Geography-wise, the global market forpasta has been segmented into Asia Pacific, Europe, North America, and the Restof the World. Among them, Europe accounts for maximum percentage share in termsof consumption and North America comes next. Markets in China and India,emerging economies whose growth rate has surpassed that of all other countriesin the world, have proved to be tough ones to crack. Per capita sales of pastais low in India and China on account of lesser priced regional staples such asrice and noodles. Besides the lack of affordability and cultural preferences,the abundant availability of pasta is another factor hobbling the growth of theAsian markets. Going forward, however, tables might likely turn due to risingper capita income in emerging economies, particularly India and China. This,coupled with rising urbanization, is anticipated to push substantial growth inthe near future.
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Companies Mentionedin the Report
To study the vendor landscape of themarket, the report has profiled companies such as American Italian PastaCompany, Armanino Foods of Distinction Inc., Campbell Soup Company, NissinFoods Holdings Co., Ltd., Fiori-Bruna Pasta Products, ConAgra Foods, Inc.,Strom Products Ltd., and General Mills. Their recent developments andhistorical roadmap have been studied in the report in detail.
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