
With a large number of local and regional players present,the global mozzarella cheese market is a fragmented one. The primary strategyadopted by the players in the industry is market expansion by merger &acquisitions. Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, Groupe Lactalis, MurrayGoulburn Co-Operative Co., Grande Cheese Company, Samples of some of the mainplayers in the global mozzarella cheese industry are Limited, AntonioMozzarella Factory, Inc, BelGioioso Cheeses.
The shredded segment maintained a dominant role in the mozzarellacheese market, among other types, in 2018. Shredded mozzarella cheeseis easily melted and a soupy layer emerges. This form of mozzarella cheese,therefore, has a primary application in pizza baking. In addition, the shelf lifeof shredded mozzarella cheese is 5-7 days, raising its preference for FastService Restaurants (QSRs), pizzerias, and vendors of on-the-go meals.
Cow milk mozzarella has some health benefits among milksources, as it is low in calories compared with other cheese varieties such ascheddar. Also, it is a rich source of protein and calcium. Therefore, due toits high nutritional content, the demand for cow's milk mozzarella cheese isexpected to increase significantly during the forecast period.
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