
Kava is herbal plant native to Polynesia, Macronesia andMicronesia of the South Pacific area. Kava root and kava root extracts are usedas medicine and ceremonial drink in Oceania. Kava root extracts have multiplehealth benefits, also it can be hazardous to health in certain conditions. Kavadrink is prepared by using grinding, pounding or grating methods then soakingthe pulp in cold water or coconut milk. Kava root extract is available inpowdered, capsule, tablet, liquid forms. Kava root extract is commonly used inEurope as a remedy for anxiety. Kava root extract is mainly used inpharmacology, toxicology and human clinical studies. It is also used intreating skin diseases, urinary tract diseases, to promote wound healing etc.
Market Segmentation: Kava Root Extract
The kavaroot extract market is segmented on the basis of application in foodand beverage industry, cosmetic industry and pharmaceutical industry. In foodand beverage industry, kava root extract can be used to prepare non-alcoholicbeverages such as kava tea. In cosmetic industry, kava root extract is used asa skin conditioning agent in the form of lotions, hair dyes, moisturizer,shampoo etc. In pharmaceutical industry, kava root extract is used in preparingdrugs for antianxiety and as a dietary supplements.
The kavaroot extract market is segmented on the basis of nature as organic andconventional. Increasing awareness of use of organic products in dailyconsumption is expected to drive the organic kava root extract segment duringthe forecast period. Use of organic kava root extract powder in medicines andcosmetics is also expected to fuel market growth of kava root extract in thenear future.
Global Kava Root Extract Market: Regional Outlook
Kava rootextract is a native of South Pacific region. Hawaii is one of the majorproducer of kava. Australia, Micronesia, Polynesia, Vanuatu are some of themajor consumers of kava root extracts. As a result of health hazards related tokava products some of the countries have banned selling and manufacturing kavaroot extract and its products.
Global Kava Root Extract Market: Drivers and Trends
Kava rootextract demand is increasing due to its use in cosmetic and pharmaceuticalindustry. Kava root extract have medicinal properties due to which it is alsoused as a traditional medicine in New Zealand. Health benefits of kava rootextracts such as it enables to fight cancer, reduce size of tumors, boostsimmune system, reduces anxiety, promotes better sleep and others is furtherexpected to support market growth during the forecast period. Research haveshown that kava root extract helps in the nourishment of the intestine as it isa natural prebiotic and act as a natural laxative. Moreover, the consumption ofkava extract promotes hair growth and helps in the treatment of grey hairswhich is also expected to support market growth of kava root extract during theforecast period.
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Global Kava Root Extract Market: Restraints
Kava rootextract have multiple side effects such as drug abuse, reduce viral resistance,may damage liver etc. As a result of anxiety effect due to kava root extractproduct consumption it is not advisable to consume before driving. High orcontinuous intake of kava root extract may result in death. Kava root extractconsumed in depression can result in worsening the depression leading to manyhealth hazards. All the above factors may restrain market growth during theforecast period.
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Global Kava Root Extract: Key Players
Some ofthe key players operating across the value chain of the global kava rootextract market include Botanica, Kava King Products, Taos Herb Company, NaturalFactors Inc., Best Nutrition Product Inc., Kona Kava Farm, GR Herbal etc.
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