
Growingnumber of players who want to get a stronghold have ramped up their investmentsin research and development activities in the global kefir market, notesTransparency Market Research. Prominent players are banking on a mix of organicand inorganic growth strategies to consolidate their positions in the global kefir market.For instance, several players in the recent years have strengthened theirarsenal of products by engaging in strategic mergers and acquisitions.
Some of thewell-entrenched players in the global kefir market are Archer Daniels Midland,E.l. Du Pont de Nemours and Company, Danlac Canada Inc., Kerry Group, LifewayFoods Inc., Nestle, and Hain Celestial.
Theopportunities in the global kefir market is projected to rise at a CAGR of 5.9%during 2017 – 2025. The market was worth US$1.3 bn in 2016 and will attainworth of over US$2.15 bn by the end of 2025.
Among thevarious applications, dietary supplements held the major share in 2016 in theglobal kefir market. The consumption of regular and flavored kefir as dietarysupplements is likely to account for substantial share over the next few years,as well. Extensive demand among worldwide consumers draws strength from largenutritional and therapeutic benefits of kefir.
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Regionally,Europe accounted for the major share in 2016 in the global kefir market.Sizable demand in the region has come from growing awareness among consumersabout the antimicrobial, antitumor, and anticarcinogenic activities of kefir.Large chunks of revenues are expected to come from demand in the U.K andGermany.
Recognition ofTherapeutic benefits on Human Health stirs Industry Interest
Kefirgrains have generated a groundswell on interest among functional foodmanufacturers and producers of dietary supplements on various beneficialeffects on human health. These effects mainly stem from the presence ofspecific microbiota in kefir grains. This accounts for the promisingnutritional and therapeutic potential the bioactive compounds in kefir grainshave. Kefir beverages have been a potential source of natural probiotics.
Stokingthe popularity of kefir probiotics are the scientific backing for itsanticarcinogenic and immunomodulatory activities. Further, microbiologicalcomposition of kefir has been under scanner of the scientific community whoseefforts are aimed at enriching the functional foods segment.
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Growingpopularity of probiotics for improving digestion is bolstering prospects of theglobal kefir market. In addition, producers are relentlessly focused onimparting unique sensory properties, such as flavor, to kefir grain, therebyboosting the global kefir market. Rising consumption of fermented milk drinksin numerous countries has catalyzed the demand for kefir. Further, kefir holdsa promising potential in treating irritable bowel syndrome and some cancertypes.
New Avenues emergefrom growing Demand for Naturally-Sourced Functional Products
However,despite the increasing market potential, the demand suffers from the lack ofwidespread awareness about the health benefits of kefir grains and drinks inseveral regions. Moreover, lactose intolerant people have been shown someaversion to kefir beverages. Nevertheless, lucrative possibilities are likely tocrop due to advances in microbiological methods to study the benefits of kefir.A growing number of savvy players who aim to tap into the latent opportunitiesin untapped regions, notably Asia Pacific, is likely to boost the global kefirmarket.
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Theadvent of massive sequencing techniques, such as pyrosequencing, is a case inpoint. Moreover, the global kefir market has gained considerably from thegrowing popularity of naturally-sourced products in the functional foodsegment.
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