
Rosehip is an herbal medicine which belongs to Rosaceae family.It is also known as Rosa canina, type of wild rose belongs to some regions inEurope, Africa, and Asia. Rosehips are the fruit of the rose plant which formsin late summer and autumn after the rose plant was fertilized. Rosehip are theround base portion of rose flower. Rosehips contains the seeds of rose plant.Seeds of the rose and its dries hips are crushed and mixed together to makemedicines. Fresh rose hips are rich in Vitamin C which helps in the treatmentof flu, cold and vitamin C deficiencies. In food and beverage industry, rosehips are used to make the variety of products such as tea, jam, soup, pies, andbread, etc. Rosehip used in herbal treatment which consists of antioxidant andanti-inflammatory properties. Rosehip medicines are available over the counterfor the treatment of diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, andobesity. Rosehip consists of several health benefits which include treatment ofskin ailments, bone health, lower cholesterol, skin care and improving theimmune system, etc. Rosehips are preferred for stomach related disorders suchas stomach acid deficiency, stomach spasms, preventing stomach irritation andulcers, and as a "stomach tonic" for intestinal diseases. They arealso used for constipation, diarrhea, gallstones, lower urinary tract and kidneydisorders, gallbladder ailments, fluid retention (dropsy or edema), gout,diabetes, back and leg pain (sciatica), weight loss, high cholesterol, highblood pressure, chest ailments, fever, increasing immune function duringexhaustion, increasing blood flow in the limbs, increasing urine flow andquenching thirst. A few rose species are sometimes grown for the ornamentalvalue of their hips, such as Rosa moyesii, which has prominent large redbottle-shaped fruits.
Rosehip Market Dynamics: Drivers andRestraints
Urbanization, rising demand of rosehip pulp, increase inpopulation, disposable income of individual, potential growth in developed anddeveloping nations, Increase in awareness among consumers regarding benefitsassociated with Rosehip, growing market demand for natural based food, growinghealth consciousness and wellness trends are the drivers of rosehip market.Growing awareness regarding the health benefits of rosehip is one of the keyfactors in increasing the demand of Rosehip in the global market.
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Rosehip Market Players
Some of the players across the valuechain dominating rosehipmarket are Organics, Trilogy International, Katyani Exports, Kosmea, CoesamGroup, PureNature, Alcamar S.A., Jose Alaluf y Cia. Ltda., MRT OrganicGreen Products, Biomedgroup, Tronka, Bioprograme Co., Bakalski Co, and AviNaturals.
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Rosehip Market: RegionalOutlook
By regions, the Rosehip market segmented into North America,Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, Southern China, Asia-Pacific regionexcluding Japan (APEJ), Middle East and Africa. In regional markets, Chile,located in South America is the largest producer of Rosehip pulp followed byBulgaria and Turkey which is the biggest producer of Rosehip oil. In Europe,Rosehip tea drives and dominates the global production of Rosehip market.Rosehip market is estimated to have a significant growth in the forecastperiod.
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