Global Ground and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Market- Covid-19 Impact, Trends, Growth and Forecast Analysis to 2030
Global Ground and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Market- Covid-19 Impact, Trends, Growth and Forecast Analysis to 2030
The global ground and precipitated calcium carbonate market is quite competitive. Players adopt numerous strategies to chart growth and carve off a higher share of market. Mergers and Acquisition form key strategy.

GlobalGround and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Market: Overview

Set togrow at a moderate rate over the period 2020 to 2030, the global ground andprecipitated calcium carbonate market is looking at higher valuation andincreased number of opportunities in the coming few years. One of the biggestfactors of growth that are driving the market on a high growth trajectory isgrowing demand in end-use industries, particularly in the Asia Pacific region.Extensively used in construction, demand for these compounds will grow at asteady pace over the forecast period as constructions volumes witness growth.Additionally, use in paper products (packaging and hygiene applications) willalso contribute to this growth.

Global Ground and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Market:Competitive Landscape

The globalground and precipitated calcium carbonate market is quite competitive.Players adopt numerous strategies to chart growth and carve off a higher shareof market. Mergers and Acquisition form key strategy.

2017: InDecember of the year, Micro-Ita Indústria e Comércio de Minerais Ltda. a Brazilwas acquired by Imerys to strengthen the latter’s presence in Brazil. It notonly improved its market position but also spurred competition level in themarket.

Top playersin the market include:

·        Solvay S.A.

·        Minerals Technologies Inc.

·        Imerys

·        Huber Engineered Materials

·        SCHAEFER KALK GmbH & Co KG

·        Longcliffe Quarries Ltd

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Global Ground and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Market: Key Trends and Drivers

Demand arising for ground and precipitated calcium carbonatemarket from rubber and plastics industries is notable. However, it is pertinentto note here that it is only one from a slew of trends and drivers, positivelyimpacting growth in the market. Expansion in automotive industry is also amajor growth factor in the market. A glimpse of some of the prominent ones isprovided below:

·        Volumes in construction are growing at a rapid pace as countriestry to provide citizens with ample housing and infrastructural facilities.Besides, in developing regions of the world, industrialization and urbanizationis contributing to this growth. By 2030, an increase of 85% will be noted inthe world.

·        Population across the world is growing and this is leading toincrease in demand for transportation, housing, etc. This is driving up demandfor ground and precipitated calcium carbonate by driving up demand forautomotive and construction of requisite infrastructure. By 2050, 2 billionadditional people will mark the planet, taking global population up to 9.7billion. This will propel growth in global ground and precipitated calciumcarbonate market.


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Global Ground and Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Market: Regional Analysis

AsiaPacific is set to dominate regional charts in terms of growth in the ground andprecipitated calcium carbonate market. China would be a notable growthcontributor in the region over the forecast period. The reason behind holding adominant position is the market is that the region is a major producer ofground and precipitated calcium carbonate. The region that follows Asia Pacificin production of these compounds is Europe. Together they hold a sizeable shareof the market. It is significant to note here that in APAC, constructionvolumes would be quite high with India and China accounting for a large chunkof growth in these volumes. By 2030, it is believed that from the overallincrease in construction volumes anticipated, more than half would be accountedfor by India, China, and the United States of America.

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