
Anew report published in the Transparency Market Research (TMR) state thatcompetitive landscape of the global graphiteelectrodes market exhibitshighly fragmented structure, thanks to large and small scale of theparticipants depicting their presence across the regional and global. The keyplayers are majorly focused toward mergers and acquisitions to attain maximummarket share and maintain presence across the globe. The study also includessome of the prominent players operating in the global graphite electrodes suchas Nantong Yangzi Carbon Co., Ltd., Showa Denko K.K., Tokai Carbon Co.,Ltd and Graphite India Limited.
Asper TMR, the revenue generated by the global graphite electrodes market stoodat US$ 10 Bn in 2017. The market is register sluggish 3% CAGR throughout theforecast period from 2018 till 2026. The development of the market is highlydepended on increasing demand from the steel companies.
Onthe basis of application, steel and non-fused material are the major segment ofthe global graphite electrodes market in 2017 and this segment is likely toremain the leading segment in terms of adoption. Furthermore, ultra- high powersegment account for major share in the global graphite electrodes market.Geographically, Asia Pacific is likely to be the leading market for the globalmarket for graphic electrodes owing to stringent regulation by the Chinesegovernment. Among all the countries in Asia Pacific, China account for highestmarket share in Asia Pacific region due to manufacturing of EAF steelproduction in the country.
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IncreasingDemand for Electric Arc Furnace for Steel Production Boost Demand
Highelectrical and heat conductivity, low impurity content, high vibrationalresistance are some of the key properties of the graphite electrode influencingthe growth of this market in coming years. The other quality of graphiteelectrode such as high thermal resistance capability and thermal shockresistance which further helps in reducing the entire mass of the steel. The lower EPF production cost and flexibility are the key factorsupporting the growth of graphite electrodes market in coming years.Furthermore, Chinese government regulation are being made to increase theproduction of steel. The use of steel by the end-user industries such asautomotive, construction and defense and aerospace and infrastructure and oil andgas industries is another factor propelling the growth of this market in nearfuture. The rising usage of electric arc furnace for the manufacturing of steelis one of the key factor propelling the growth of this market in coming years.The use of graphite electrodes for smelting process and steel refining is oneof the important factor supporting the growth of graphite electrodes market incoming years.
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Utilizationof Steel Scrap Likely to Upsurge Global Graphite Electrodes Market
Dueto presence of large steel producing industries in developed economies, thesteel industries is likely to have availability of high steel scrap. This isanother factor propelling the growth of this market in near future. About morethan 80% of the steel which are produced in electric arc furnace are made fromsteel scraps. The alternating production capacity of the steel craps coulddrive the demand of this market in near future.
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