
The demand within the global defoamers market is rising onaccount of advancements in industrial processes. The use of defoamers in thechemical industry has generated a wide array of opportunities for marketgrowth. Furthermore, industrial liquids need to be handled with immense care inorder to ensure optimal usage. A number of hydrophobic materials that excitethe formation of foam are used across the chemical industry. In order to reducethe amount of foam produced, chemical experts recommend the use of defoamersfor a multitude of applications. Defoamers are also available as anti-foamingagents across the market. This is an important point from the perspective ofevaluating the market dynamics of the product.
Transparency Market Research (TMR) finds that the global defoamersmarket is expected to grow at a steady CAGR of 4.5% over the period between2018 and 2026. The total value of the defoamers market held a total value ofUS$ 7500 Mn in 2017. This value is slated to touch new heights in theyears to follow. The growth of the defoamers market can be attributed to theadvancements in end-use industries such as agrochemicals, food and beverages,and oil and gas.
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Advancements in Food Processing and Manufacturing
The use of defoamers in the food industry has played a central role ingenerating increased revenues within the market. Kitchens of large restaurantsand hotels that prepare food for thousands of people use defoamers to preventeffusion while preparing food. Furthermore, defoamers are domestically used toprevent food effervescence that can affect the taste of the preparation.Silicon oil is the most commonly used defoamer in the food industry.Considering the factors mentioned above, it is safe to predict that the globaldefoamers market would tread along a lucrative growth path in the years tofollow. Furthermore, the use of defoamers as a cleaning agent in households hasalso given an impetus to market growth.
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Pharmaceutical Industry as Key End-User
Although foaming plays an important role in the cleaning action of soapbars and detergents, excessive foaming can result in wastage of soap.Therefore, small quantity of defoamer is used in soaps bars, washing liquids,and shampoos. Excessive foaming can interrupt with smooth execution of severalindustrial processes. The pharmaceutical industry has especially emerged asound consumer within the global defoamers market. Therefore, the total volumeof revenues in the global defoamers market is set to grow at an unprecedentedpace in the years to follow. Other than this, manufacturing of medical drugsand ointments also involves the use of defoamers. The continual growth of thepharmaceutical industry is expected to drive sales within the global defoamersmarket.
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Some of the leading vendors in the global defoamers market are ClariantInternational AG, Global Holdings Inc., and Elkem Silicones.
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