Global Asia Pacific and Middle East Quicklime Market is estimated to surpass US$ 358.9 Bn by 2030
Global Asia Pacific and Middle East Quicklime Market is estimated to surpass US$ 358.9 Bn by 2030
In terms of value, the quicklime market in Asia Pacific and Middle East is anticipated to expand at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2020 to 2030.

AsiaPacific and Middle East Quicklime Market: Introduction

In terms ofvalue, the quicklime market in Asia Pacific and Middle East isanticipated to expand at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2020 to2030. Quicklime, also known as burnt lime, is obtained by the thermaldecomposition of limestone. Quicklime is utilized in mortars and cements. It iswidely used as a flux agent in the steel industry in order to remove impuritiessuch as silica, alumina, and phosphorus. It is also employed as a reagent invarious industries (including chemical and paper).

Increase in Air Pollution toHamper AsiaPacific and Middle East Quicklime Market

Airpollution is a major factor that is expected to hamper the quicklime market inAsia Pacific and the Middle East during the forecast period. The process ofburning limestone for the production of lime, which is used to producequicklime, leads to emission of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, and nitrogenoxide. These cause air pollution, which has a toxic effect not only on plantsand animals, but also on humans. Stringent regulations enacted by governmentsof various countries in Asia Pacific and the Middle East have promptedmanufacturers of quicklime to shift toward energy-efficient technologies thatlower carbon dioxide emissions. According to the Ministry of EnvironmentalProtection of China, the mining sector has played a vital role in economicexpansion over last three decades. However, poor regulation and weakimplementation of standards have polluted the country's soil and left parts ofits land and water supplies unfit for use. Therefore, mining companies arefacing pressure from government authorities regarding restriction on upstreamand downstream mining activities in order to reduce emissions of harmful pollutants.

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Crushed/Pebble Form to CreateLucrative Opportunities for Asia Pacific and Middle East Quicklime Market

In terms ofform, the quicklime market in Asia Pacific and the Middle East has been dividedinto large lump, crushed/pebble, and ground. Crushed/pebble is projected to bea highly lucrative segment of the AsiaPacific and Middle East quicklime market during the forecast period. Itis likely to expand at a CAGR of more than 5% from 2020 to 2030. Thecrushed/pebble form of quicklime is employed in building & construction andiron & steel industries in the region. The building & constructionindustry in Asia Pacific has been expanding due to increase in investments inconstruction activities and steady industrial development in emerging economiessuch as China and India. This is projected to boost the quicklime market inAsia Pacific and the Middle East from 2020 to 2030.

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Building & Constructionindustry in Asia Pacific and Middle East to Witness High Adoption of Quicklime

In terms ofapplication, the quicklime market in Asia Pacific and the Middle East has beensegregated into iron & steel, gold, alumina refining, building &construction, water treatment, pulp & paper, chemical intermediate, glass,agriculture, flue gas desulfurization/gas treatment, and others. The building& construction segment is anticipated to dominate the quicklime marketduring the forecast period. The building & construction segment accountedfor major share of the Asia Pacific and Middle East quicklime market in 2019.In terms of volume, the segment is estimated to expand significantly during theforecast period.

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Asia Pacific to be Lucrative Regionof Asia Pacific and Middle East Quicklime Market

AsiaPacific dominated the quicklime market in 2019. The trend is projected to continueduring the forecast period. The demand for quicklime is high in Asia Pacific,particularly in China, owing to increase in consumption of quicklime in iron& steel, chemical intermediate, and building & construction industriesin the country. The expansion of the building & construction industry isalso a major factor propelling the quicklime market in the country. AsiaPacific is anticipated to remain a highly lucrative region of the quicklimemarket during the forecast period, owing to increase in production of variousquicklime-based products in countries such as China and India in the region.

Competition Landscape of AsiaPacific and Middle East Quicklime Market

Thequicklime market in Asia pacific and the Middle East is highly fragmented.Carmeuse, Nordkalk Corporation, Boral Cement Limited, BGC (Australia) Pty Ltd,Cockburn Cement Limited, Linwood Mining & Minerals Corporation, CementAustralia Holdings Pty. Ltd., and Graymont Limited cumulatively held more than10% share of the quicklime market in Asia Pacific and the Middle East in 2019.Leading players have taken initiatives to expand their presence in quicklimemarket in Asia Pacific and the Middle East through acquisitions, increase inproduction capacities, and strategic partnerships.

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Other keymanufacturers operating in the quicklime market in Asia Pacific and the Middle Eastare Lhoist, United States Lime & Minerals Inc. (USLM), Mississippi LimeCompany, Cheney Lime & Cement Company, Pete Lien & Sons, Inc., BoralCement Limited, MICRONISED MINERAL SOLUTIONS PTY LTD, and NORTHERN CEMENTLIMITED.


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