getting tired of why use a real estate agent 10 sources of inspiration thatll rekindle your love
getting tired of why use a real estate agent 10 sources of inspiration thatll rekindle your love
getting tired of why use a real estate agent 10 sources of inspiration thatll rekindle your love

Condominium association: An association of all owners in a condominium.

Condominium spending budget: A financial forecast and statement of a condominium association's expenses and savings.

Condominium by-laws: Guidelines passed by the condo association used in administration of the condominium property.

Condominium declarations: A record that legally establishes a condominium.

Condominium right of first refusal: A person or an association that has the first chance to purchase condominium real estate when it becomes available or the estate right to meet up any other offer.

Condominium rules and regulation: Guidelines of a condominium association estate by which owners agree to abide.

Contingency: A provision in a agreement requiring certain functions to be completed prior to the contract is binding.

Continue to show: When a property is less than contract with contingencies, however the seller requests that estate the house continue to be demonstrated to prospective buyers until contingencies are released.

Contract for deed: A sales contract in which the buyer needs possession of the property but the seller holds title until the mortgage is paid. Also referred to as an installment sale contract.

Conventional mortgage: A kind of mortgage that has certain limitations located on it to meet up secondary market guidelines. Home loan companies, banks, and savings and loans underwrite standard mortgages.

Cooperating commission: A commission