A dichotomy amongst the fields of technology and talent in the field of art, goes a long way, but is it really more the brush than the artist itself? I took to my decade old passion of photography during my student days and have been exploring various modes of capturing moments, wildlife, still objects and in-motion phenomena…and it is only in the due course of time, that I began to add more evolved and coming-of-age equipment to my collection, one-by-one; with time and practice. While I began to hone my skill-set since the beginning, with a keen eye for perspectives, apertures and colors.
While a relevant and modern camera along with its variations and advance options of lens, curvature, resolution option plays a major role, how often do we credit it on seeing an appealing and eye-pleasing photograph?
I remember during one of my double award-winning works of the SIG Photography contest organized by Amazon, the most common enquiry was about my perception of the subject and what was playing on my mind while I chose to blink the shutters of my equipment. For sure, it was a lot of post-production, editing and pondering of the best possible effects and enhancement, that would complete the overall aesthetic of the photograph and make it a photograph from a capture; but then again, where does the gear play the protagonist!
You can give an aircraft to a pilot, but until his expertise; skill; talent and mind-set take a grab, the former is vain, right?
No, I am so not undermining the importance of a good gadget! A good equipment like a good diary + laptop or brainstorming device for a writer assumes a pivotal role, so does my camera; but only to a limited extent.
Aspects like the ergonomic factor of a camera, the weight, the balance, the lighting contribute to that master imagery. The portability of a prolific camera helps you to capture those larger-than-life moments whether it is during treks or ceremonial gatherings of loved ones. For instance, higher the megapixel attribute, the greater ability to crop or enlarge the photograph without being worried about compromising on the quality or clarity. Factors like optical performance and built for sharper shots, image stabilization with cameras having low-shutter speed play the role of an effective assistant director while shooting. Things like mirrorless cameras with premium electronic viewfinders provide you with a near accurate exposure and field-depth from the time of setting your subject-frame right…. But who ascertains these aspects…the photographer with its garnered and groomed knowledge, right?
What about he beholder? What about the beauty being in the eyes (read: lens) of the beholder? A great camera is, say a fine DSLR model; is a super-fun and utility gadget to own and use, but it makes world of a difference who is using it. Even the most expensive and high-end model of a DSLR camera would be vain in the hands of someone who doesn’t posses that much skill, or passion or knowledge about how to deploy its functions or maneuver the features.
Now, there are several art schools, colleges and even individuals or communities who provide formal training, guidance and certification or honing your knowledge, and skills in the field of photography! Be it the metropolitan cities, tier 2 and tier 3 cities of the Indian subcontinent or overseas; photography evangelists, professionals, amateurs and students are widely getting closer to fine-tuning their technical and aptitude soundness.
While the importance of a good-grade gear can’t be under-rater or even neglected to any amount, but the skill-set, talent and expertise of the photographer certainly take the cake in determining a stellar photograph. As far as my 10-year long journey with photography concludes (as I continue to learn each day and moment), photography is 60% the photographer, 20% external factors and 20% gear galore. What do you think?! I would love to know your views and how does everyone else view the same, always great to widen the lens of knowledge and perspective, literally and metaphorically!