
We have brought you the Ford F-150 Lightning which produces 563 horsepower. Due to which it can accelerate to 60 mph in 04 seconds. It has the capacity to carry a load of 10,000 lbs.
2022 Ford Lightning W with Extended Range, wears off early on The battery hits 60-mph in a middle of 4 seconds.
People talk horsepower but drive torque – with 775 lb.-ft. of almost instant torque, The 2022 Ford B Lightning pickup is ready to go.
The Ford F-150 Lightning comes with a standard-class battery that offers a targeted EPA-estimated range of 230 miles. The available extended-range battery provides a targeted EPA-estirned range of 320 rniles. Platinum Runodale offers a targeted EPA-esterified range of 300 rniles.