Flavored Milk Market- Top Developments, Revenue and Driving Demand, 2019-2027
Flavored Milk Market- Top Developments, Revenue and Driving Demand, 2019-2027
Flavored milk market is expected to register healthy growth in the near future, despite growing awareness about the unhealthy amounts of sugar.

Global Flavored Milk Market: An Overview 


Flavoredmilk market is expected to register healthy growth in the near future,despite growing awareness about the unhealthy amounts of sugar. Flavored milkincludes artificial or natural flavoring mixed with milk, food colorings, andsugar. The flavored milk market products often have a higher shelf life thanplain milk products, due to reliance on high-temperature pasteurization.Consequently, the flavored milk market also caters to high demand forrefrigerated milk products. Major players in the flavored milk market also sellsyrups and flavored milk powders which are largely in demand for their greattaste. 

Tastes and flavors are aiding the expansion of the flavored milkmarket globally. Consumers around the world have developed peculiar tastes,which are important for market players to cater to. For example, According toCoca-Cola Amatil, a large bottler in Asia Pacific, South Australia is unique inits consumption of flavored milk, which surpasses the consumption of cola inthe region. 

The flavored milk market is also witnessing a major challenge,due to growing health concern in mature markets such as the United States. Amajor study published in 2018, surveyed over 90 popular flavored milk brands inthe United States. The study found that a flavored milk carton contained sugarlevels similar to a can of soft drink. Many bestselling brands dish-out a day’ssugar in a single-serving. 

In order to move forward, players in the flavored milk marketare likely introduce healthy varieties of flavored milk products. Such productscontaining minerals and vitamins may lead the way for future growth in theflavored milk market. 


Global Flavored Milk Market: Notable Developments 


·        A recent study published in the journal of dairy science showsthat it is possible to reduce sugar levels in various products withoutsacrificing flavors. The study tested products including yogurt, ice cream, andflavored milk. The study recommended the use of nonnutritive sweeteners, bothartificial and natural resulted in lower sugar intake.   

·        The American Heart Association and the American Academy ofPediatrics have presented a list of policy recommendations which can impact thegrowth of the flavored milk market. These policies include higher taxes,subsidies for healthy foods, and new laws limiting advertising to smallchildren. These policies were presented to state, federal, and local lawmakers.These policies are aimed at reducing sugar levels in milks, sodas, and otherbeverages. 

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Global Flavored Milk Market: Key Trends


Global flavored milk market is expected to grow in a robustmanner during 2018-2026, thanks to their mass popularity among children, fewalternatives to popular flavors such as chocolate flavored milk, and busylifestyle driving up the unscheduled consumption of milk. Healthy flavored milkalso contains various nutrients such as flavored milk contains manynutrients like potassium, calcium, and magnesium. While substitutes like softdrinks and plant protein drinks pose a challenge to the market growth, increasingdisposable incomes and changing consumer preferences are expected to boostdemand. Additionally, innovation is making new-inroads with consumers with theintroduction of new flavors. 

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Global Flavored Milk Market: Regional Outlook 


The global flavoredmilk market report revolves around key regions including North America, Europe,Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. The flavored milkmarket is expected to register the highest total revenue growth in NorthAmerica. The region is witnessing high levels of milk consumption and flavoredproducts have gained a prominent position in the region, thanks to theirprevalence in public schools. Additionally, the global flavored milk market inAsia Pacific is expected to register the fastest growth in terms of CAGR. TheAsia Pacific region is witnessing a growing demand for new milk products,thanks to rising disposable incomes in the region. The region presents a majoropportunity for global players as due to lack of long-established innovationsin the region, there is a major scope for introducing new milk flavors.    


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The global flavored milk market: Competitive Dynamics   


The global flavored milk market is a competitive and fragmentedlandscape, thanks to large numbers of large players located in differentregions. Some key players in the flavored milk market are Danone, China MengniuDairy, Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group, Amul, and Nestlé. 

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