
Enquiron has been named as one of the winners in the prestigious PR World Awards.® Enquiron won Gold in the “Best Service | Combat and Reduce the Impact of COVID-19” category and Silver in the “Company of the Year | Creative Ways Companies are Giving Back During COVID-19” category.
The PR World Awards® are industry and peer recognitions from SVUS Awards. These are the world’s premier awards honoring and recognizing in-house and agency achievements in the areas of advertising, branding, design, direct marketing, full service, internet and digital, marketing, media planning & buying, promotional, public relations, social media, and all other business and corporate communications.
Judges from a broad spectrum of industry voices from around the world participated and their average scores determined the 2020 award winners. Winners will be celebrated and presented their awards during a virtual awards ceremony in December.
Enquiron was recognized as a gold winner in the Best Service category and a silver winner in the Company of the Year category. Enquiron gave employers peace of mind in the wake of COVID-19 by helping employers lawfully and respectfully make early adjustments, including layoffs, terminations, and work-from-home changes, helping employers deploy safe and lawful return-to-work strategies, creating a bi-weekly webinar series and additional content focused on new developments, laws and regulations that impact employers, and by creating a new Emergency and Disaster Center for employers. Additionally, Enquiron was recognized for reinforcement of employee work-life balance during the pandemic. Enquiron swiftly moved to a full-time remote model, provided convenience services for employees, developed communications channels meant to promote positivity and connection for all employees, and added staff members to help support clients in a time of significant need.