Coronavirus Health Insurance : Covid-19 policy
Coronavirus Health Insurance : Covid-19 policy
All Coronavirus Health Insurance : Covid-19 policy refers to a health insurance policy that covers the medical expenses incurred on the treatment of COVID-19 during the hospitalization.

Coronavirus is covered under a health insurance policy, a policy must be minimum 30 days old.

With the COVID 19 spreading so rapidly, the health and lives of people in the country are constantly at risk. The numbers of infected people are rising exponentially, and hospitalization is becoming imperative for all. The medical industry experts are predicting that numbers will increase and almost 60-70% of the population will be affected, which may include you too.

The question is; are you secured financially to cover those medical expenses?

Yes, you are if you already have a health insurance policy. Your existing policy, be it an individual health plan, family floater plan or a group policy, acts as your COVID 19 health insurance. Even if you purchased a policy before testing positive for coronavirus, you could avail the insurance benefits, as your health insurance is meant to cover the viral infections too.

Therefore, the medical expenses you incur for the treatment of coronavirus infection will be reimbursed by your insurance provider. However, if you purchase coronavirus insurance after getting tested positive for COVID 19, then you will not be covered for the treatment as the policy comes in effect only after a waiting period, like any other medical insurance in India.