
How Chakra and BigB NFTs became the success stories that they are.
1.The Chakra and Amitabh NFTs were a love letter to the Indian audience and NFT enthusiasts all over the globe.
2.GuardianLink which powers is responsible for these two mammoth success stories.They are making a comeback at BeyondLife’s Secondary NFT marketplace.
3.The Amitabh Bachchan NFTs were made possible by working together with the legend himself, the Indian cinema hall of fame trooper, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. The collection consisted of signed lithographs, original signed movie posters, exquisite art punks, artwork and the original unreleased poems of BigB’s father read in his voice.
4.The launch ushered in fans and fanatics of the legend all over the globe to participate, and the drop made headlines with a successful sale of almost 9 crores at the time of the launch.
5.The Chakra punks were another recent launch which made even more noise with its sale.
6.Chakra was co-created by the west’s superhero and fantasy churner factory, the legend himself Stan Lee. It was a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration with Graphics India to create an exclusive superhero character specifically for the Indian market and audience all over.
7.The collection consisted of many wonderfully curated collections of NFTs that lived up to the name in association with. The Loot Box which consisted of an impeccable display of 6865 unique NFT art punks sold out in 51 seconds and the Jukebox with original signed posters and editions of rare 5400 NFTs sold out in 49 seconds.
8.The other collection went out in auction including Chakras 7 powers and a special tribute piece for Stan Lee for his 99th birthday anniversary, as an ode to the service the legend has rendered to the comic book and just the world in general.
A second chance called the secondary marketplace.
Do not worry if you’ve missed out on the awesome collection, because the NFTs are making a comeback at the marketplace from BeyondLife soon for your pleasure. The NFT enthusiasts who already purchased the NFTs can start listing their NFTs for bid or sale soon enough. So you’ve got something to look forward to this new year.