
Many people consider taking care of a guinea pig to be an easy thing to do. But it is truly so? It depends on what you consider difficult. The tasks themselves are not hard to do, but they require a reasonable amount of time. You also need to learn what the best products are, that you need to take proper care of your pet. For example, timothy hay is a very good supplement for your guinea pig's diet. Also, you can use dog clippers to take care of your pet's fur as well.
If you do not consider difficult spending all the time you must learn and take care of your pet's needs, then it should be easy to take care of a guinea pig for you. But for a busy person, for whom free time is a luxury, it may be the hardest thing to do. So, if you are a busy person, it may be quite hard for you to take proper care of a guinea pig. The good news is that after a while it will become a routine.
There are quite a few dog products that can be used for guinea pigs. And this may make your tasks a little easier. For example, you can use clippers specially made for dog use on a guinea pig. Keep in mind that human clippers shouldn't be used on dogs or guinea pigs. They are very different from each other and they may harm your pet. After you learn about the best tool to groom your pet, it’s time to find out if timothy hay is the best food for it.
The Differences Between Dog Clippers and Human Clippers!
There are 2 main differences between dog clippers and human clippers:
- Motors. One of the main differences is the motors. Clippers for dogs have lighter motors that are specially made for pets. They do not produce as much noise as human clippers, which can scare your pet. The power is also lower to not harm your pets' skin. On the other hand, human clippers not only produce a lot of noise, but they are also more powerful and they can harm the skin of your pet.
- Blades. The blades used for humans are made to cut hair. They can effectively cut the hair of any dimension. But when used on a pet's fur, its effectiveness drops dramatically. This will not only increase the time needed to groom your pet, but it may also provoke pain. Blades used for pets are specially made for fur. And they have no problem with cutting it.
There are smaller differences, but the damage that the main ones can produce should enough to convince you that using human clipper on your pets is not a good idea. The good news is that you can use dog clippers for any pet that has fur. So, you will not need to buy different clippers for different pets.
Is Timothy Hay the Best Food for Your Guinea Pig?
Guinea pigs need a lot of fibers in their diet. And timothy hay is indeed able to satisfy that need. But guinea pigs, like any other animal, need other nutrients as well. And it can't get all of them from the hay alone. The best method is to use the hay as a supplement. You need to learn, or go to a pet nutritionist, and create a diet plan. By following that plan you can ensure that your guinea big will have a healthy body and enough energy to play with you.
Many different types of hay can be used, but timothy has the best fibers-quantity balance. You can find it in any pet shop. But if you want to pay a reasonable price, then you should look through online pet shops. On the internet, the competition is higher. So, the prices are forced to stay as small as possible.
How to Take Proper Care of Your Guinea Pig?
There are 3 other activities that you need to regularly get done for your pet:
- Nail clipping. If you do not clip the nails of your guinea pig, they will grow and start curling which will provoke discomfort. You should clip its nail at least once per month.
- Brushing. Brushing is necessary to keep the fur in good condition. The frequency of the brushing depends on the length of the fur. For short fur, you can brush your guinea pig once per week.
- Bathing. This is the rarest activity. If you do not have a specific reason, like competition or it dirtied itself, then you do not need to bath it.