
Hair loss is a severe scalp problem that removes the hair follicles from the scalp and fallen hairs never come back. This genetic problem equally haunts both men and women but for females, hair loss is a nightmare since they cannot imagine their head without hairs. To treat the pattern hair loss, hair transplant in Mumbai is the best surgical treatment that is carried out with the help of the patient’s own hairs.
A hair transplant in Navi Mumbai is performed by well-qualified and trained surgeons in a highly hygienic environment. During the surgery, the surgeon borrows the hairs from the back and sides to insert these hairs into the recipient area.
The hairs are removed from the back and sides since these areas grow baldness resistant hairs. These hairs genetically coded to be baldness resistant and do not fall for a long time on the new areas.
It is notable that both males and females are not equally ideal candidates for hair transplant surgery.
Actually, the pattern of progression of baldness is not the same in male and female candidates.
In males, male pattern baldness affects the hairline, temporal region and crown area one by one and a thin layer of hairs remains on the back and sides.
This spars layer is used for hair transplant surgery in males.
In females, severe hair thinning and hair loss takes place without any visible patterns that end in forming a layer of hair on the back and sides.
Therefore, the treatment of bald areas in the case of female pattern baldness is an important issue to consider.
Female hair loss treatment in Nutrite clinic
The experts of the clinic follow a different approach while they treat female patients.
The experts of the clinic may apply the following treatments to heal hair loss in women.
Medicines like Minoxidil are FDA approved and prescribed by the experts if the hair loss is mild and the doctor thinks he may control it with the help of medicines. The hair loss patients must take these medicines regularly to keep the results sustained.
Non-surgical approach:
PRP hair loss treatment is a good example of non-surgical treatment. In this treatment, the patient’s own blood is drawn to obtain PRP or platelet-rich plasma. PRP is believed to have growth factors that promote hair re-growth.
Hair transplant for right candidates:
Hair transplant surgery is possible for female candidates in the following conditions.
∙ the woman is a patient of traction alopecia
∙ the patient wants to correct scaring due to previous cosmetic surgery
∙ the patient has a distinct pattern that is similar to male pattern baldness.
∙ The women with alopecia marginalis
∙ The women is a burn victim or have faced trauma due to any reason
Final words
If you are a female hair loss patient, hair transplant in Andheri can be the right option for you if you are fit in the criteria. Besides surgical treatment, female hair loss can be treated with the help of other treatments. You just need to visit the clinic for the treatment.