Bring Back your Smile with a Dental Crown in Houston
Bring Back your Smile with a Dental Crown in Houston
No one likes to be in pain while eating food or drinking their favorite cold beverage. With dental crowns, you can restore the functionality and appearance of your teeth and bring back your smile.

Tooth decaycan lead to tooth pain, lowered self-esteem, and other issues if not addressed.When tooth decay becomes bad enough, visible damage to the tooth will becomeapparent and it can make the patient self-conscious about the appearance oftheir teeth, or worse, reduce their functionality.

No one likesto be in pain while eating food or drinking their favorite cold beverage. Withdental crowns, you can restore the functionality and appearance of your teethand bring back your smile.

RestoringYour Bite and Smile

There aremany cases for getting dentalcrowns, also known as a cap, for a damaged tooth.

Among thetop reasons is tooth pain, inability to use the tooth, and cosmetic reasons.Decay and fractures cause teeth to become unsightly or even painful, but awell-fitted crown will restore function, shape, and color to your teeth.

Procedureto Install a Dental Crown

It typicallytakes two visits to the dentist to get a crown installed.

·       The first visit prepares the tooth receiving the crown

·       The second visit installs the dental crown.

It’s rarethat a third visit or beyond is necessary, but it can happen if the crown doesnot sit properly.

On the first visit, amold is taken of the area of your mouth where the crown will be placed. Thismold will provide the laboratory with an exact replica of your mouth, so theycan shape the new crown to look exactly like the tooth it is repairing.

After themold is formed, the tooth to be crowned gets filed down. The filing removes theenamel down to the dentin, providing a space for the crown to be placed.

Once thetooth has been filed down, it needs to be protected until the permanent crowncan be installed. This can take up to a few weeks, so the protection is crucialto prevent damage to the exposed dentin.

Toaccomplish this, a temporary crown constructed of prefabricated stainless steelis installed over the tooth. This temporary crown will protect the tooth fromday to day wear, but it is best not to use the tooth as if it were completelynormal.

The moldthat was taken of your mouth goes to a laboratory where a dental technicianwill construct a cap that matches the shape of your old tooth and can be easilyaccommodated by the space around it.

The crowncan be made from one of several materials, depending on the tooth’s locationand the primary purpose of the crown, whether it’s to restore function orappearance.

Dr. RubabMirza specialize in general and implant dentistry in Houston, TX, to helppatients of all ages keep a healthy smile for years to come. We treat gum problems;replace missing teeth with dental implants, and more. Discover how we canimprove your smile. When you are considering dental implants in Houston,Naba Dental offers Dental Implants if you are missing teeth and are looking fora durable, long-lasting restoration. Schedule your dental implant appointmenttoday.

DentalCrown Materials

·       Most often, metal crowns are used for molars (back)teeth. The metal crown might not be the prettiest, but it is very durable andis made to reduce wear on adjacent teeth.

·       Porcelain and metal hybrid crowns can be color matchedto the teeth, making them look natural, but they increase wear on nearby teeth.

·       Resin crowns cause very little wear on nearby teethbut tend to wear out themselves very quickly.

·       All porcelain crowns look very natural, mimicking theappearance of teeth almost perfectly, but they are not as durable as a metal ormetal hybrid crown.

After thecrown has been furnished, you will return to our Memorial dentist office to have itinstalled. The dentist will remove the temporary crown and carefully installthe permanent crown, sealing it around the dentin of the original tooth.

Making surethe dental crown fits snuggly and does not interfere with adjacent teeth isparamount to prolong its own life and the life of nearby teeth.