
RootsAnalysis is pleased to announce the publication of its recent study, titled, “BiologicsFill / Finish Services Market, 2019-2030.”
Thereport features an extensive study on the contract service providers offeringdrug product manufacturing services within the biopharmaceutical industry. Thestudy features in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities of a diverseset of companies that claim to specialize in fill / finish operations. Amongst otherelements, the report includes:
· A detailed review of the overall landscape ofBiologics Fill / finish services market for biopharmaceuticals.
· A region-wise, company competitivenessanalysis, highlighting prominent fill / finish service providers across variouspackaging types.
· Elaborate profiles of key players across keygeographies (North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific).
· An analysis of the recent collaborations(signed since 2013) focused on the Biologics Fill / finish services forbiologics.
· A detailed analysis of the expansionsundertaken (since 2013) by various service providers for augmenting theirrespective fill / finish service portfolios.
· An estimate of the global Biologics Fill /finish capacity, by taking into consideration the capacities of various fill /finish service providers.
· An informed estimate of the annual demand forfill / finish of biologics, taking into account the top 20 biologics.
· An analysis to identify the key performanceindicators for service providers active in the domain.
· A case study to highlight the benefits ofusing robotic / automated equipment for aseptic fill / finish processes.
· A case study to highlight the role ofready-to-use packaging containers in aseptic fill / finish operations.
· A discussion on the potential growth areasand recent trends impacting the outsourcing potential for biopharmaceuticals.
Adetailed market forecast, featuring analysis of the current and projectedfuture opportunity across key market segments (listed below)
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Typesof Primary Packaging Containers
· Ampoules
· Cartridges
· Syringes
· Vials
Typesof Biologics
· Peptides / proteins
· Antibodies
· Vaccines
· Cell therapies
· Gene therapies
· Viral products
· Oligonucleotides
· Others
· Small-sized
· Mid-sized
· Large / very large
Scaleof Operation
· Preclinical
· Clinical
· Commercial
KeyTherapeutic Areas
· Cancer
· Infectious diseases
· Autoimmune diseases
· Cardiovascular diseases
· Other indications
KeyGeographical Regions
· North America (US, Canada)
· Europe (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain andrest of the Europe)
· Asia-Pacific (Japan, China, South Korea,India and Australia)
Thereport features inputs from a number of eminent industry stakeholders,according to whom, “Currently, majority of biologics are being filled in vials,however, the scenario is likely to change in the future due to the growingdemand and preference for self-administration devices.” The report featuresdetailed transcripts of discussions held with the following experts:
· Ales Sima, Business Development Manager,oncomed manufacturing
· Gregor Kawaletz, Chief Commercial Officer,IDT Biologika
· Jos Vergeest, International BusinessDeveloper, HALIX
· Purushottam Singnurkar, Research Director andHead of Formulation Development, Syngene International
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RootsAnalysis is one of the fastest growing marketresearch companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in thebio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights aredriven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years ofsignificant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growingbusiness needs, get in touch at
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