
Soyou’ve got your self a bunch of straws, drunk your initially smoothie, postedyour pic on Instagram… now you have got a straw to clean!
Ourstraws are created from complete bamboo stalks – nothing recompressed! – whichmakes them uncomplicated to clean and maintain. A nicely created bamboo strawis long-lasting, and cleaning is simple!
Allyou may need is always to rinse them out beneath the tap soon after daily useor shake in a jar of warm soapy water in case you like. Every single month orso, you can boil a pot of vinegar water mix and soak the straws to get a fewmins if you want a super thorough clean! We use an electric kettle, so we justpour boiling water into a pan or pot and add a spoonful of vinegar for thesoak. (Vinegar is optional!)
Uncomplicatedpeasy, we told you so!
Alwayslet your bamboo straws dry fully. They dry incredibly promptly!
Drythem flat – not standing up – to ensure that water does not collect at thebottom.
Retaileryour straws within a well-ventilated spot, and under no circumstances inair-tight containers or jars.
Howextended can a straw final? Will it degrade if I never use it for awhile?
Ourfounder Mel has famously used a set of straws for about three years. Herincredibly initial two straws – pretty rough cuts – nonetheless sit proudly onher desk immediately after she first cut them from scrap bamboo in 2013! Sobamboo straws will final provided that you look after them. Though Mel isprobably just attempting to see how extended she can go with hers, most of ourbuyers use their straws for about a year.
Nevertheless,we suggest you to replace your straw should really you notice any significantdiscolouration or modify in taste. Bamboo straws should normally taste neutral– not affecting the drink.
CanI taste a “bamboo flavour” when using bamboo straws?
Althoughsome people are much more sensitive to tastes and flavours, bamboo straws arevery neutral. There is certainly no added taste plus the bamboo straw is notgoing to have an effect on or alter the flavour of one’s drink.
Willbamboo straws retain the flavours with the drink?
Whenyou encounter this after drinking strong-flavoured drinks like coffee, wesuggest scrubbing the inside with the straw having a cleaning brush and soakingin hot water. This may remove any flavours that you feel are retained.
Webought some bamboo straws from someplace else and they’ve a strange smell. Willboiling help?
However,not all bamboo straws are producedequal. We get this question a whole lot. Bamboo straws should really smell andtaste neutral – no more flavours and no peculiar smells. If boiling your strawsdoes not assistance, then the problem lies together with the productionprocess. Some makers claim to make use of “natural” processes, yet usechemicals in their production process. This really is completely unnecessary bythe way! We Never use any chemical compounds, preservatives, pesticides,fungicides. Please be cautious when buying all-natural goods and make certainthat the maker / shop’s values align with yours. We can’t vouch for the highquality of straws sold elsewhere.