Autocad millwork in Ottawa | Millwork drawings | Millwork shop drawings
Autocad millwork  in Ottawa | Millwork drawings | Millwork shop drawings
Singar provides Millwork shop drawings to Commercial, residential, Institutional & Architectural millwork companies.

Autocad millwork in Ottawa | Millwork drawings | Millwork shop drawings

Autocadmillwork  in Ottawa | Millworkdrawings | Millworkshop drawings


Singaris a Canada based Architectural consultancy which provides solutions andassistance to architectural companies, trade contractors, Real estate developers,custom home designer and millworkers. Our team comprises of industry trainedArchitects, Project managers, civil engineers and architectural technicians.

Autocadmillwork  in Ottawa | Millworkdrawings | Millworkshop drawings


Singar provides Millwork shopdrawings to Commercial, residential, Institutional &Architectural millwork companies. Our team consists of Architects, CivilEngineer, Construction Project Managers and architecture Technician. We canalso provide 3d models and video to help you and your client visualize theproject better.


Autocadmillwork  in Ottawa | Millworkdrawings | Millworkshop drawings





Callus - +1 613-707-3117