
The NCAA and their many conferences have ignored the inequities of black referees in supervisory positions and the inequality of how they are assigned and evaluated. We continue to witness the unfairness and bias that plagues the growth and retention of Black officials in the NCAA. Our findings have shown us the disparities between white officials and black officials are astounding. For example officials "conference priority list has been the excuse supervisors claim to absolve them from giving black officials contracts and little or no games in their leagues.
"These practices can not and shall not continue without rebuttal. The Association Of Black Sports Officials and its members are committed to the betterment of officials on all levels - Qur-an Webb Founder/VP of ABSO
Association of Black Sports Officials will conduct a peaceful protest with a collection of officials committed to wearing "BLACK REFEREES FOR CHANGE" patches to symbolize our unity towards these issues.
Please go to our website for more information, including highlights, statistics, and examples of inequities.
Zerrell Stallings
Qur-an Webb
Founder/Vice President